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your pov

Me and mattia were on the roof of his house, vibing to music and then i see him pull out a cigarette box from his hoodie pocket.


"what? just one."

"mattia, no."

he chuckled and pulled out a cigarette from the box.

i just scoffed and he looked at me.

"what baby?" mattia said looking at me.

what- this man never calls me baby... bro we ain't even a couple.

"dont call me that. that's- that's just weird. we aren't even a couple." I said, glancing at him, seeing him still looking at me.

i just looked at the beautiful moon hide behind the clouds, making me sigh.

i then hear a him lighting up the cigarette.

i glanced at him and then looked back at the clouds slowing moving away from the moon showing the moon light and the beautiful stars beside it.

"you know, you can die or suffer from cancer from cigarettes?" i said to him still looking at the clouds

he blew out smoke from his mouth before answering, "yeah i know," then took another hit of the cigarette.

"then why do you do it?" i looked, and turned my body to him then crossed my legs.

"it takes me away from stress." he said and looked back at me with the cigarette between his index finger and middle finger.

"k." i said aggravated from him smoking and then looked back at the moon, seeing its full light making me smile.

mattia then took a hit of the cigarette and before blowing it out and forcefully grabbed my jaw and opened my mouth with his other hand and then blew into my mouth.

and i closed my mouth and then blew it out.

"not so bad huh?" he chuckled.

"not really but doesn't mean i'm gonna start smoking." i said and looked at him and then he smashed his lips against mine.

his lips were soft... the kiss felt so...


the kiss became passionate, the kiss wasn't full of lust it was... love.

i smiled between the kiss as i put my hands on his neck and he put his on my lower waist.

i moaned in the kiss, making him smile.

we pulled away from the kiss and were out of breath, we both chuckled as we put our foreheads together.

i still had my hand on his neck and let my hand slowly fall down to his shoulder.

"y/n." he said, getting his breath back.

i hummed in response making him began to talk again.

"i- i honestly don't know how to say this..." he nervously laughed after saying that and pulled away from our foreheads being together.


"hurry up and say it." i laughed

"i really like you, like really."

and that's when i realized it...

i love my own best friend.

"you don't have to have the same feelings for me i just had to say tha-"

before he could finish i pulled him in for another kiss making him smile through the kiss.

the kiss was once again passionate but even better because i knew that the love of my life loved me back.


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