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Today was a day of my life. Me and my dad were walking down the mall. My dad was Thunder Skies. He was a nice guy. He gave me everything I needed and told me my limits. We were happy until that happened. As soon as we exited the mall, with supplies, we heard sirens. They were the cops. The Canterlot Police. "hands up Thunder!" said a man with purple skin and rainbow hair.

The cops put handcuffs on my dad. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! WHAT HAS HE DONE!" I yelled at the cop who held me back. They took dad in the car and drove off. After the cop let me go, I ran to police station. I reached the police station, panting. A girl officer with orange hair and blue skin, asked me, "what are you doing here?"

I just ran past her and entered a hallway. I bumped into a girl. "watch it!"

"sorry," I said terrified.

She had rainbow hair, blue skin and magenta eyes. I got up and helped her up. "are you Soarin Skies?" she asked sweetly.

I nodded. She was my age, I think. "you are requested in the Sherriff's office. Follow me."

I followed the girl to a room. It had a desk in the center and two chairs. I sat in one of them. It was that purple skinned man with rainbow hair and the orange haired woman.

"dad, ii brought him here," the girl said.

"Soarin, what is your age?" the woman asked.

"15." I spoke.

"honey, he is still too young," the woman said to the man.

"I know. Soarin, I am sorry but, your dad has been arrested for ten years. 3 for theft, 5 years for raping and 2 years for potential threat and one acid attack."

"what!?" I said in shock. I put my head down in shame.

Rainbow POV:

He put his head down. My dad, the Sherriff and my mom, the assistant Sherriff, looked at me as I looked at the boy.

"he could live with us, right?" I asked slowly.

Soarin raised his head while my dad said, "if he signs this form, he could legally live with us." He pushed the form towards Soarin. He looked at it and carefully read it. He smiled and signed it. I smiled and hugged him.

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