•chapter eight - sorting ceremony•

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a/n : ^^^fun picture, right??
anddddd i just wanted to say that i am so inspired, grateful, and relieved that joe biden is now president and kamala is the first female and poc to ever be vice president!! i'm am so proud of the both of them and so ready for some change!! biden has already made 17 executive orders, including rejoining the paris climate agreement and making plans to rejoin the world health organization, starting to begin the reversal process of the unconstitutional muslim immigration ban, and starting plans to make a racial equity government initiative. so so so glad he is able to restore the damage he who must not be named inflicted on the U.S..
anyways, enjoy the chapter!!!

I felt dozens of eyes on me, as I walked next to Fred in between the middle two tables.

He sat down at the table with all of the Gryffindors that I had previously met, but motioned for me to keep walking.

I looked forward and saw a stern-looking woman with graying hair in a low bun. Next to her, an old, beat up hat was lying on a rickety stool in front of the teachers' table.

I stopped walking once I was about a yard away from the woman and hoped she would tell me what I was supposed to do.

"Ms. Baudelaire, I presume?" she breaks the silence.

By now almost everyone in the Great Hall is staring at me. I feel my cheeks flush a deep crimson color.

"Yes, and I apologize, but I do not know who you are." I tell her, trying to be as sincere as possible.

"That's quite alright dear. I am Professor McGonagall, head of Gryffindor house. Now, since you have not yet been sorted into a house, we will let you take your turn before the first years arrive. All you have to do is place the hat on your head and sit on the stool." Professor McGonagall instructed me.

I nodded with a smile and sat on the stool. I felt terribly embarrassed by the sight of so many students watching me, but nonetheless, I placed the hat on my head.

After a second of the hat being on my head, it started to speak, very suddenly might I add, so I jumped at first.

"Oh, a Desjardins? I haven't had one of you in quite some time. Not surprising though, with everything that has happened." The sorting hat spoke.

What is it talking about? I asked myself. So far I was extremely confused with the sorting hat and not at all learning what house I was to be in.

"Well, anyways, a strong line of Ravenclaws, that is until Juliette became a Gryffindor. But let's not dwell on the past. Hmm... I sense great courage in you," I practically snorted as a reaction to how wrong this hat was, "No? I think that you must not know the extent of your bravery and independence, Miss Talia." the sorting hat tells me.

Great I think, now everyone knows my name.

"Yes, much independence, along with a large range of knowledge, an overwhelmingly kind heart, very loyal, and goal-oriented. What an interesting mixture, though someone with such powerful qualities also must have some very deep weaknesses, am I right?" the sorting hat questioned.

I was really confused at this point, so, not knowing, in the slightest, what I was doing, I whispered, "I suppose most everyone with strong qualities has even stronger weaknesses, but that's not to say that weaknesses always have the upper hand. Isn't it quite bold of you to assume which qualities are the most prominent in me? Because I hardly know you and from what you've been saying I do not believe that a single word from your mouth has been anything but a lie."

Oh lord, I actually just said that, maybe I really am brave.
Maybe the sorting hat is right.
But I just made the biggest blaireau out of myself by ranting on and on like that.

Everyone probably thinks that I am horribly rude now. I look upwards and see the entire Gryffindor team beaming up at me with admiration.

Maybe not, I think.

"Ooh, feisty, I like it. I also believe to have made my decision about you. Before I tell you that though, I must admit that the first sentence that came out of your mouth was exceedingly wise. However, I disagree with you claiming my words were lies. In complete and total honesty, I will assure you that I have been speaking only the truth since you placed me on your head. Now, back to the reason we are together, I'd say... Gryffindor!!" the sorting hat announced.

I smile very widely at its words, I would get to be with the twins and all of my new friends!

Taking off the hat and putting it back down on the stool, I nod at Professor McGonagall and she gives me a tight smile. I can tell that those are rare.

I practically ran over to where Fred and George were sitting and slid down in between Fred and Ella.

"Fancy seeing you here." Fred said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes at him and turned to face Ella and the other girls, who were sitting further down from us.

"Congratulations Talia! I'm glad you are going to be with us, we will finally have someone interesting in our classes." Ella said to me.

I chuckled and said, "Thank you, and I'm super excited to actually know people who are in my house!"

Ella and I started to plan out Hogsmeade trips, practicing for the upcoming quidditch season (which I would have to try out for), and games of wizards chess and exploding snap in the common room after dinner.

I was glad that I had made another friend, Ella was the friendliest and most hilarious girl I had ever met and I could tell we would become best friends very quickly.

After a long while of talking, we heard the Grand Hall doors open to reveal a whole lot of nervous first years shuffling around.

Everyone hushed up and watched as the first years started getting sorted.

About halfway through the ceremony, I hear Ginny's name being called. Fred and George offer her a thumbs up and two cheeky smiles of reassurance.

She nervously puts on the hat and after just a few seconds, it screams out, "Gryffindor!"

The entire table claps and cheers for Ginny while she makes her way to sit across from me and the twins, blushing furiously.

a/n : nothing super crazy or interesting happens in this chapter, but it has a nice little bonding moment for talia and ella! remember to vote! <33

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