The ''Ceremony''

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Everyone went to the locker rooms to get the PE outfits on. After we were all outside we saw eight activities. ''You will be doing a strength exam'' Mr Aizawa said. He then went on about what to do he then says ''Bakugou you got first in the exam with a total of 77 points, how far could you throw the softball in middle-school?'' ''Sixty-seven metres'' Bakugou replies gruffly. ''Okay, try throwing with your quirk'' Mr Aizawa says sleepily. So bakugou grabbed a softball and threw it with his quirk activated earning a seven-hundred and two-point three.

Most of the students started muttering to each other about what he said he throwing it, which was the word 'Die' by the way and how he wouldn't become a hero with an attitude like that. You sigh slightly while other people started muttering about how it was- "Fun? You think this is fun do you?" The voice belonging to Aizawa said who was clearly not having it, "If your here for fun you might as well go home now, in fact, the person who comes in last will end up with expulsion (Let me know if that is correct??)." After that everyone went silent.

The first task you had to do was the race, you were going against a boy named Kirishima. you looked at him and gained information on him, So his quirk is hardening... you looked at Iida and copied his quirk, as Mr Aizawa said go you sped to the end and people looked intriguingly at you. ''L/N wins'' Aizawa said clearly tired, you smile as Kirishima walks up to you ''Hey! Well done'' He spoke happily. ''Haha.. Thanks'' your reply was.

By the end of all the challenges you were exhausted, you walked over to where the leaderboard was and saw you got 4th, which is good. You sigh mentally just as Mr Aizawa states ''I am not expelling anyone it was to make sure you all tried your hardest.'' Following suit, a large amount of protesting and groaning was heard.

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