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Does anyone get that feeling, when you look around yourself, and see everyone happy, only to realize all of this is just temporary, and then like your heart shatters into pieces. But it's life, everything doesn't always last forever.

When I think about it to much, I talk to my mom and she takes me outside and points up towards the sky and points at me with her other hand.

"You see yourself and you see all these stars. They are alike. They will one day never exist, for all we know we do not exist and have these imagination kind of ideas. Or we're connected to a big machine. Or there's a great God out there waiting for us. The latter one is the one I believe in, and you should believe in too. Don't let yourself down, but live life to the fullest, because there will never be an ending, but a new beggining." She says, only in spanish.

Because I realize this every single day and although everything doesn't seem forever, it is.


Hello my beautiful/handsome ducklings. So I ran a 1 mile run today in gym. I am still exhausted. It was worse for me because I'm sick. Ughhh. So, I don't know why I decided to write this, but here it is and no going back. Hopefully it touches bases with you.



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