Untitled Part 17

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Skylar Nicole Rayne Pov

Dereck was sitting on the couch, hugging my mom cooing her with some words that we couldn't hear. Nancy was on the other side of her, rubbing her back as she let the tears fall. Even my baby brother, the one who was always strong for his older sisters was letting tears fall; one by one. "Mom what happened?" When she looked up at me she literally ran into my arms. "Honey, I'm so sorry we didn't tell you." Nothing else could be heard or seen. My whole life was stalled, it was as if I were in a black room filled with one thing. Nothing.

I just hugged her back, it was the least I could do in this moment of grieve. The look in her eyes scared me so much, i didn't know what kind of news to expect. Ryan tended to his mother as Dereck stood next to me, I opened my arms so that Dereck could join. Which he gladly accepted. "Okay mama, we can't stand and be sad all day. Whatever happened won't be solved if we keep dwelling on it." I assured her, "now, explain to me what happened."

She wiped a few stray tears away, telling me to brace myself. "Your father is in the hospital, his cancer is getting worse." My heart beat slowed to a stop, my lungs must have collapsed because no air was coming into them. A weight about the size of an elephant was set on my chest, hurting me like I was the weakest person on earth. "Why haven't you guy's ever told me?" I asked slightly hurt. "They didn't want you to worry." Dereck answered. "You knew?" I yelled, feeling abandoned by my own family.

"Yeah, we kept it a secret in order to let you stay out of depression." They didn't tell me that my dad was slowly dying, because the history of my depression? That was stupid, did they know how much of an impact it would be to hear your dad is closer to death then you thought? My face must have shown distress because Ryan came over to comfort me, "can I have a moment with Sky please?" He asked, gaining approval as everyone went into the kitchen.

"It's going to be okay, everything will be fine." I nodded giving into his words as I gripped his shirt, letting the tears I held in so long out. I didn't know how much I had held in. Every bit and piece of my past came haunting me, the flashbacks I was getting were detailed not vivid. The blood that used to run down my face, the fat that I used to grab and throw around, the hair i used to cut. I was hurting myself more than I thought, everything was going better. But some huge news changed it all.

All the things that prevented me from knowing about my own fathers slow painful journey. "Ryan, I need you to stay with me." He nodded understanding that I couldn't be with myself tonight. "How long does he have?" I asked my mom, walking into the kitchen. "6 months." Another whimper came from my mouth, "so he will walk me down the aisle?" She nodded sadly, knowing that was a dream of his. "We will make his last 6 months the best." I announced, not letting the pain grab a hold of me.

"Sky, you can visit you dad in the hospital tomorrow. You don't need to go to school." I nodded happy that I get to miss school but sad due to the lack of Ryan I will see. "Alright, mom get some rest. Sleep will do you some good after a long day." She nodded understanding immediately and turned in saying her good nights to everyone. "Nancy, you can stay in the guest room. I have a feeling Dereck will comfort mom tonight." Once everyone returned to their rooms I turned to Ryan.

"So much emotional things have happened today." He nods, staring at me. "You have seen me at my lowest." I admitted. "But that doesn't make me love you any less, I'm going to love you no matter what, and i will try to cheer you up the best that I can." With that we munch on some brownies before turning on the Tv in my room. "Do you think I would be here on this earth with out you?" I asked Ryan truthfully. "Yes, I think that you would be prospering without me."

I was admiring him from the mere distance of inches between us. "Your answer is wrong. I don't think that I would be on this earth without you, your basically my other half. The one that will keep me up even though I am down. The one that will help me through everything. vice versa really. I wouldn't be on this earth if I had known I would never see you again." He kissed me on the lips, not letting me say any other words.

His body was heavy but he held himself up. "Don't you ever talk about your absence in my life, it drives me crazy when you doubt yourself like that." I was surprised at his words, letting them sink in. After so many years of mourning his absence I noticed something. It was as if he had never left. Yes, I missed so many things but so did he. Now we have to bond in order to learn what we missed. His kisses and stories are what keep me from thinking about my father in the hospital.

Right before bed, this is what I need. I needed a distraction from the sad, I want to focus on the love and courage that I will have in the future. Everything seemed to be going down hill but up hill at the same time. I don't know how to explain it but Ryan keeps me from falling into a further depression than what I was already in. I just want to thank him, when we get our new house. I will have to plan how I could make it up to him.

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