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Leta flicked through her dusty potion book to the Amortentia page and began following each instructed. Aimlessly, she threw in the rose thorns and pearl dust.

She ran her finger under each instruction, reading it twice before following the step. A couple times she looked up at James who was staring longingly at Lily, making her let out a small sigh as she stood alone at the back.

Their amortentias were finally finished and they went around the room, smelling what attracted them and saying it out loud. Everyone's had work apart from Peter who failed because Sirius snuck beetle eye in there.

It got to Leta's turn so she took in a deep inhale, the green smirk filling her nostrils. "Wood," She began, taking in another deep breath. "I think-chocolate chip cookies." She took in one last inhale. "And butter beer."

It seemed like a weird combination but sort of familiar. 'God don't let it be Peter!' She thought to herself, swearing she recognised that smell.

"Mr Black, what do you smell?" Slughorn asked with his hands held in front of him, almost leaning near the dark haired boy. He took a deep inhale before saying, "Chocolate, books and cinnamon." Leta, James and Peter all looked over at the blushing boy who buried his face into his hands.

"What about you Mr Potter?" James ran his hand through his hair one more time before smelling the pink potion, holding it close to his nose. He furrowed his eyebrows before smelling it again. "Lilies,"

That was obviously Lily Evans because the whole school knew about her obsession with a perfume which she sprayed herself with everyday and it was common knowledge to not get close when she just sprayed it or you will suffocate.


Leta had chosen to not listen and instead flick through her potion book, looking at different recipes to potions. At the same time, she was trying to think about who it could be because it was such a familiar smell.

"Pine wood."

The whole class looked around in confusion. Everyone knew that from then on it smelled like Lily however she had probably never touch a pine tree in her life. All the girls began brushing their hair with their fingers if they had touch something that was possibly pine which made the messy haired boy cringe.

Regulus and Leta sat together in her room, ignoring the shouts coming from another room, most probably another argument between Lucius and Narcissa which they seemed to have every week.

The two were getting more and more bored and it was silent between them. Finally Regulus slapped his legs and stood up. "So, Quidditch?"

Leta let out a sigh of relief and nodded, walking with the boy out of the common room and to the pitch. The weather was not too bad. Yes, it was cloudy but it was still warm and humid.

The two Slytherins ran onto the empty pitch, their brooms in hand. They began practicing every position in Quidditch that weren't their own just to fill up the time.

Leta's broom was almost as fast as Regulus bee and expensive one he had gotten not too long ago. "What broom is that?" He asked after what felt like the 50th time she had sped past him.

"I don't know, it's just the one you gave me."
She answered, looking at the old but fast broom which she sat on. Regulus has gotten closer to look at the broom, inspecting it closely.

Leta had not asked from a new broom for a couple of reasons. One was that this broom was fast so what was the point getting another one. A second one was the fact it had her brother initials on it and finally, she hadn't told her parents she had even got on the team because she didn't know how they would react.

"Slick, a bit tattered but not to bad-ow! Fucking splinter." He shouted, sucking on his index finger which he had pricked on the splinted wood. "Pine, fast, no markings-"

"What did you say the wood was?" Leta asked again, her eyes wide which confused the boy. "Pine?" He repeated in a confusion and curious tone. Leta let out a small sigh before Regulus continued. "I have no clue what broom it is!" He exclaimed, his hands dramatically on the back of his head which made her chuckle and shake her head.

Leta sat alone by the Great Lake, occasionally dipping her fingers into the dark water and watching the droplets fall and cause ripples in the water. Her knees were pulled up to her chest with the other arm holding the together.

"Well, well ,well. Who do we have here?" She looked behind her at a smirking, messy haired boy who sat beside her. "So, how is life treating you?" James asked the Slytheirj girl.

"Well, I am still depressed with childhood trauma and still doesn't have the capability to eat without gaining weight so, poorly." She answered with a blank face which took him back for a second before nodding in agreement. "Fair enough."

"So, how is you and Lily going?" She asked the Gryffindor, moving back from the water and facing him. "I think it was going well, in fact I think we are having an egg hunt for Easter." Leta chuckled at the boy.

"An egg hunt? The one made for first years?" She snickered at the boy who wore a face of offence. "First years! I'll have you know it says not age limit!" He shouted dramatically, standing up defensively. She rolled her eyes and shook her head before she got up.

"Whatever you say handsome."She patted each of his shoulders with a tight lipped smile as his cheeks went crimson.He let out a huff before putting his hands on each side of her waist and picking her up, throwing her into the dark water of the Black Lake.

"James Fleamont Potter!" She screeched, a look of determined as she marched out of the water. "That is not who you enter a body of water." She pushed the boy back, a look of satisfaction as he fell back into the mysterious water.

With a flick of a wand, a rope appeared in front of her and with another movement of her wand, the tree branch nearby grew until it reached over the lake.

She then threw the rope over and tied it so it could hold her body weight. Then, she held onto the end of the rope and ran off of a small hill, jumping up into the air and letting go, cannon balling into the water below.

When she emerged from the surface, she pushed the water from her face and into her hair and looked at the soaked James who scowled. He then slapped the water, pushing it into he direction of the Slytherin. She splashed him back, soaking him even more.

He then ran out and to the rope, holding on and swinging off, creating a massive splash which created small waves making her bop up and down in the water.

She looked around for him but couldn't see him until he swam up to the surface close to her, their bodies already touching. The second his warm breath touched her face she pressed her lips against his. His hands became slightly tangled in her wet hair but she didn't care.

Their kid was soundless as their fingers interlocked and head turned in rhythm with one another. They grabbed onto each other tightly even though their bodies were as close as they could be.

"Hey James!"

"Shit-Sirius!" James yelled as Leat quickly ducked her head under the water, her cheeks filled with air.

"What are you doing?" The dark haired boy asked his best friend, his arms crossed in confusion. "Swimming." James answered, almost stuttering for an answer. Sirius shrugged before holding onto the rope and swinging off, watching as Remus walked over with a face of disappointment.

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