🔞Tokoyami alphabet🔞

44 1 5

A~ {Aftercare...what he's like after sex}
He cuddles you whether you have cum seeping out of you or not
B~ {Body part which part of his and your body does he like}
He likes his arms he can finger you with them, he loves your legs sexually and not
C~{Cum...anything to do with it basically}
He likes cumming on your legs or thighs just to see you use your fingers to lick it off
D~{Dirty secret of theirs}
He wants to make dark shadow into a dick and fuck you with that and his own
E~{Experience. Do they have any experience do they know what they are doing?}
Nope this boi does not what the fuck he is doing so you gotta help him out
F~{Favorite position pretty self explanatory}
Any position where he could see you ass and pussy
G~{Goofy... Are they goofy during this act or not}
This boy wants you to have the time of your life and is very concentrated on making you feel good so no he is serious
H~{Hair...does the carpet match the drapes? How well-groomed are they}
Yes the carpet matches the drapes and he is very tidy down there cause he doesn't want his pubes in your face
I~{Intimacy...how intimate are they doing that moment}
He is very intimate I told you he wants you to have the time of your life so he is very intimate
J~{do they masturbate?}
He see's no point in masturbating unless he is pent up and needs relieve that is the only time he will do it but other than that he has you to get rid of his sexual needs
K~{kinks...one or more of his kinks}
He loves BDSM and you guys are both masochists so bring out the blood play
L~{Location...where they like to do it}
Your shared bedroom only he has the right to see and hear such lewd noises, faces
M~{Motivation...what gets them for needy for you}
Simply tease him or touch his feathers in a certain way that gets him very riled up for you
N~{No's...what turns them down}
Public sex like I said he likes being the only one to see and hear you in all your glory taking him in
O~{Oral...does he like giving or receiving?}
He likes receiving because he has a beak and doesn't want to hurt you
P~{Pace...are they slow and sensual or fast and rough}
He is slow and rough he wants to tease you and make you beg for him
Q~{Quickie...what is his thoughts on them}
He hates them its not enough time to make you beg for him and scream his name
Nope he won't allow them besides children when your ready to have them
S~{Stamina...how long can they go,how many round can he go for}
2 to 4 depending on how rough his day was and those rounds atleast last 1 hour
T~{Toys...does he own them will he use them on himself or you}
Yep he owns them and uses them on you because he wants you to beg for his bird cock
U~{Unfair...will they tease their partner? Or do they like being teased}
Of course he likes teasing you why else would he have BDSM as a kink
V~{Volume...how loud are they}
He is quiet but fuck him right then you get a very loud bird boi
W~{Wild card}
He once used Dark shadow to fuck himself when you were on a trip
X~{X-ray...how big is he}
Surprisingly he is 6.5 inches and is pretty girthy so he knows how to pleasure you
Y~{Yearning...how high is their sex drive}
He has a very low sex drive but you guys have sex at least 3 times a month
Z~{Zzz...how fast do they fall asleep}
It takes him a hour to fall asleep because he wants to see your sleeping body before he blacks out
First nsfw alphabet how did I do?!

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