story 1: Ranboo takes a shower

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story 1 art made by MikNic3 on twitter

listen to while reading if you can :]


Ranboo always knew his skin burned and ached just by being near mist, he knew the damage it could do to him,

he didnt care.


a loud  THUNK  can be heard from the bathroom.

Phil and Techno just left the area, they were off in a rush, perhaps another battle is happening?

the thought of war made him want to throw up.

"why cant their be peace", I whine.

i look up to the mirror, a tear falls out of my eye.

"Agh-!" he exclaims after feeling the burn of his cheek, he looks down and wipes his eye, ultimately burning his hand a bit, not much but enough for a hiss to be thrown at his hand. he looks into the mirror again for a second time.

his cheek burned a red mark into his skin, he exclaims a curse towards the mirror.

I break down crying feeling as my skin tightens, stings and burns.

what a world he thinks.

he glitches and teleports into the shower

i scream and jump out, it wasn't on but it still scared me, i look into the mirror again, now seeing myself from the side. then i remember the voices words.

"Are you real??" the voice glitches, taunting his host.

Oudenophobia: (from Greek ouden, meaning "nothing") or nilophobia (from Latin nihil, meaning "nothing") is the fear of nothingness.

"nothing, is anything real, am i-?" i stare into my own eyes and touch the reflective plastic. the feeling wasn't normal, it felt as my fingers were numb by cold, the way you barley feel anything but you still feel.

the burning of my skin hurts so very much. but i feel like,

"i" i mumble out 

"you" the voice inside my head beams



i look to the shower, not thinking. no thoughts behind my multi colored eyes, the burns on my face turning red, face heating up.

"this is what i deserve." I drunk in thought say

taking off my blazer and my tie i walk towards the shower with just my pants and shirt on.

i reach for the knob to turn the shower on. the pitter patter of the shower starts up, the thrill, the fear.


"This is well worth it."

I stick my hand into the shower feeling the stings of pain run up my nerves. the burn the ache the stinging the hurt all at the SAME TIME. it was beauty unfolded and all of it was for me, of course i dont want this, yet, i deserve this.

i step one foot in. the pain is excruciating but i push my self fully into the shower.

I scream in pain. its torture complete and udder torture.

i feel the rain of the shower dance on my back, singing its painful song, cutting into my back horribly.

i lift my face up to see the shower head, and feel the water start to mark my face with scars and red splotches.

its so peaceful after you get used to the pain y'know. feeling the water cut into your skin, blood pouring, skin aching, its so beautiful the way the shower talks to me, it talks me into staying there, in its rain, in its rain thats now being turned shades of red, red and pink, the clearness of the water fading into red, watching the blood swirl and mix with the water. my white shirt turned pink.

the feeling is celestial, like i am real, i feel, i am real, i am real.

i am real

i am real

i am real

i am.


i am

im certain

am i?

i sink into darkness the one thing that was supposed to bring me back to reality isnt working. i watch as darkness seeps into the creases of my eyes. a black-ish red takes over my vison fully.

i cant feel anymore at least. perhaps Phil will find me, or techno. and call for help. Or, they abandoned me  and i never will be saved. not ever.

not ever

i will never be saved.

even if i do, what would they think of me? a sad loser that passed out by water. of course my one chance at fitting in and i ruined it like i always do, like i, like i always do. i mean i even blew up the community house, i have a disc, and im alone.

not even Niki would have mercy for me. and she was a first friend here. but not anymore huh.

guess not.

no ones gonna find me.

I'm gonna die first before anything happens.

i wake up to see Phil siting across the room reading what i presume is a enchanting book. or maybe technos to-do list?




first story and I'm proud of it!

i hope you enjoyed this story, and the song i asked you to play at the beginning. its one of my favorites at the moment. i actually wrote this while listening to it.

these stories are more for mature audiences then my others ill tell you that.

im gonna try to get 2 of these out a week.

(879 words including notes)

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