Chapter five

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Dean wasn't sure how long he was asleep but by the time he woke up the sun was almost up.
"Crap I must have fallen asleep, " Dean said to himself as he wiped the sleep from his eyes. His phone vibrated and he reached into his leather jacket to check it. It took awhile but he managed to find it and how it wasn't dead due to being left on he didn't know.

10 missed calls from Bobby
His phone read and he was glad that his adoptive father called him because after last night he needed somewhere to crash however before he could call him back he noticed the teen from last night come out of the saloon wearing a backpack. He walking quite fast and it wasn't until he saw a bunch of other kids run up to him that Dean understood why.
"Hey come on man we just wanna chat! " One of the bullies yelled as he grabbed the teen's backpack and pushed him to the ground."Gosh sorry I hope that didn't cause any brain damage, " the lead bully mocked.
"Look at him, I think he is going to cry! " Another bully taunted. Dean watched the scene with unease and the second he saw that the teen was close to tears a certain overprotectiveness swelled within him and before he could stop himself he jumped out of his car and raced towards the teen.

"Hey if you wanna hit someone hit me! " Dean called out and at the mere sight of him the bullies fled and left the teen defenseless on the ground.
"Thank you, " Sam said unable to say anything else as no one had ever stood up for him before.
"Don't mention it, any decent person would do the same thing. " Dean replied as he helped Sam stand up. "By the way I never caught your name, " he finished and Sam wondered if he should even say anything because he didn't know anything about this man.

"I can't tell you like you said last night you could be an axe murderer, " Sam joked and he actually managed to get Dean to smile.
"Well I'm not I can promise you that, " Dean laughed and it felt good to laugh because no one had really got him to laugh other than his adoptive father.
"That's something an axe murderer would say, " Sam teased causing Dean to laugh again. Sam smiled at the sight and something inside him he could trust Dean after all he just save him. "I'm Samuel, " Sam finally said.

At the mention of the name the light in Dean's eyes died and Sam was worried he had said something wrong. "Are you okay? " Sam asked.
"Sorry its just I had a little brother named Sam, " Dean said embarrassed that he was nearly crying in front of a kid he didn't know.
"Had?" Sam asked hoping he wasn't touching on a sensitive topic.
"Lost him when I was seven, been trying to find him since. " Dean admitted and Sam couldn't help but fell sorry for him, he couldn't imagine losing a brother. He had no siblings but if he did losing one would be like losing a part of him.

"I'm sorry, " Sam said to him and before either of them could say anything else a school bus arrived and Sam had to get on so he could get to school. "I gotta go but it was good meeting you, " Sam said giving Dean a smile before running off the catch his bus.
"You to kid, " Dean said as he walked back to his car. For some reason talking with him made his heart ache a lot less but he couldn't allow this Sam to replace his little brother because Sammy was his first priority. Still it was nice to have a friend for once.

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