Chapter 7 - Troubles

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The next morning, William awoke with last night's thoughts still fresh in his mind. When he rolled over, he noticed Paul was not in the bed. He looked at the time, it was just passed 8:00 AM. Wiliam groaned and made his way downstairs. To his surprise, he couldn't find Paul anywhere. He went into the kitchen again, this time he saw a note on the counter top.

"Went to the studio, will be home around dinnertime. - Paul"

Wiliam sighed and threw the note in the trash. He decided he would just occupy himself here. He would probably be bored, but who was he kidding? He was in Paul's house, how could he be bored? He began to get excited and started running around the house like a child. He laughed and laughed, until he heard the doorbell ring. His heart almost stopped. He peeked around the corner and looked at the door, he couldn't see who was there. The windows were covered with blinds.

He swallowed and made his way over to the door, unlocked it, and finally opened it. There was a girl there, "Oh my god! Paul McCartney! You really do live here!" she squealed. William went pale, "Oh no" he thought. Just do what Paul would do. He took a quick breath and smirked, "Yes, hello, nice to meet you." William did his best to seem calm.

"Will you sign my posters and my arm and my t-shirt and-"

"Alright, alright, let's calm down now" William laughed. The girl continued to bounce around and shoved all of her merchandise at him. He nodded and looked around. He didn't have anything to sign it with. Not to mention, he didn't know how to sign in Paul's signature. "Um, if you will just stay here a second I will get a pen or something." He shut the door and rushed into the kitchen. He searched the drawers and grabbed a pen. He made his way back to the door and the crazy fan.

The girl squealed again and shoved her stuff at him once again. He nodded and pretended to smile, he took the pen and scribbled some fake Paul McCartney signature on her items. He then told her to move along and said good bye.

Wililam quickly locked the door and thought it best to just not answer it until Paul got home. He sighed and went back into the kitchen. "Might as well eat something" he thought aloud. He opened up the pantry and grabbed some cereal. He poured his cereal into a bowl, grabbed a spoon, and sat down. He took a bite and cringed. It needed some milk. He went to the fridge, got the milk, poured the milk into his bowl, put the milk back, and sat back down. He ate his cereal in silence.

Later that night, Paul came home to see William napping on the couch. "He really does like to nap, huh?" he thought. He decided not to wake him and walked into the kitchen. Paul hummed as he went about the kitchen, trying to think of something he knew how to make for dinner. He would usually go out to eat, but with William he couldn't.

William awoke to the sound of pans dropping. "Paul!?" he yelled as he sat up. Paul was wide eyed and was surrounded by pots and pans. He burst out laughing. William was confused. "I was trying to make soup!" he said between laughs. William began laughing with him.

After the laughter died down, the two of them worked together to clean up the kitchen and make the soup for dinner. They didn't talk much while they ate.

"How was your day?" William asked.

"It was alright. There was a bit of arguing I suppose, but overall it went okay." Paul said. He looked down at his soup. The day wasn't as normal as Paul had described.

When Paul got there, he could tell that sides had been taken. Even though Paul had thought that his relationship with John had become strong again, it seemed to be dwindling. John and George were mumbling to each other on one side of the room, they only glared at Paul.

Paul had walked over to Ringo, who was sitting at his drum kit, "What's going on?" He asked, making sure to keep his voice at a whisper.

"They're making fun of you..." Ringo told him, "...Talking about you and William..."

Paul groaned, "Did John only come over to see if I was with him?" he thought. "What about you, then?" Paul asked, looking back down at Ringo. "What do you think?"

Ringo shrugged, "I don't think its all that bad, nothing wrong with it, I suppose. A bit strange, you being with a guy and all..."

Paul seemed a bit disappointed with his answer, but it was better than him completely disapproving of the idea. The rest of the day dragged out slowly. The boys kept out of each other's business and worked by themselves. Eventually, as it became late, Paul got fed up with them and left. He wish he could just reverse time, before William ever showed up. Before he was replaced. Before he had gotten into a car accident. Then none of this would be happening.

Paul sighed. William looked up from his soup, "You alright?"

Paul didn't respond, he continued to look down. His mind was racing, he felt like everything was useless. His friendships were breaking apart, all because of one man. He looked up at William, his eyes burning. William was worried, "Paul, are you alright?" He asked again.

The question kept going through Paul's mind, "Am I alright?" he kept asking himself. Truth be told, he didn't know. After everything that has happened, Paul had been through hell and he was angry. No one cared about how he felt. How all of this had changed him. "Leave" he finally said.

"What?" William asked, wondering if he had heard Paul correctly.

"Leave" Paul said again. William saw that Paul's eyes began to tear up, "Was he going to cry?" William thought. He stood up slowly, looking back at Paul, who had now shifted his gaze back towards the floor. William was deeply confused and upset, but he did as he was told and left. The door shutting behind him, echoing throughout the house.

Paul sat alone at the dinner table. His eyes wide with tears slowly streaming down his cheeks. He took a deep breath and stood up. Had he made the situation better? Would this fix his relationship with the others? Paul held back a sob as he headed to his bedroom. When he reached his room, he began to sob, tears continuing to stream down his cheeks. Lying down onto the bed, Paul curled up in the blankets and continued to cry.



I really wasn't sure where I wanted to go with this story. I will try and write more and finish it up. If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them! ^^

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