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I have FIXED my sleep schedule (for now) :)

After breakfast, you dump the bacon plate in the sink and follow the boys into the living room. Jungkook's mom is already situated on one of the couches, drawing something on a piece of paper.

Jungkook sits next to her and looks over her shoulder. "Whatcha doin?" He asks. Jimin sits on a chair on the other side of the coffee table and you sit next to Jungkook. Because of the burns. Yeah.

"I'm drawing the floor plans of JR Labs," Seohee says. "Or at least the basic idea of how each floor is laid out, so you guys can navigate the building tonight."

"You memorized the floor plans?" Jungkook asks.

"Jungkook, honey, I own the labs," Seohee says. "And helped plan the building itself. And I've worked there for years."

"Yeah but you also took a break after having me."

"Well it's not like I remember each room number and how many rooms are on each floor and stuff. If I asked you to draw a map of your elementary school, you'd be able to remember most of it. It's really not that confusing- once you get it, of course."

Seohee finishes labeling different things on her make-shift map and clicks her pen. She sets it aside and removes the book from under the paper- papers. There are multiple.

"Do you think we'll get it though?" Jimin asks. "They're science labs."

Seohee sighs. She sets the papers on the coffee table and spreads them out. "There are four floors above ground and three below," she says. "My husband's office is on the top floor, of course. You just need to get in, get out, and run."

"It sounds easy when you say it like that," Jimin says.

"I don't think it should be too hard... I mean, when I say there should be no one there..." Seohee shakes her head. "I'll explain that in a minute. Anyway, this is the first floor." She points to one paper with one of her drawings on it.

"The first floor is the same as the fourth floor, the only difference being my husband's office. Anyway, the first floor here doesn't have super confusing hallways or anything. Look- come closer."

You, Jungkook, and Jimin all scoot forward in your seats to get a closer look at the paper.

Seohee drew a large square for the perimeter of the first floor. Inside of that is a smaller square- a hallway- with lines drawn between the two- probably little hallways. The only things prominently marked are the halls, exits, elevators, and stairs. It doesn't seem so confusing on paper.

"This floor is basically a giant square donut," Seohee says. She grabs the pen, clicks it, and circles over a scribbled line on the outer perimeter- the front entrance. "Once you come in through here, all you need to do is get all the way over here." She points with the pen at a little rectangle tucked away in a corner of the map. "The stairs."

"We just walk through the front entrance?" You ask.

"There's no other way in, unless you break a window or something."

"There's not, like, a back door or anything?"

Seohee looks at you and squints. I swear I'm not criticizing your building. You think. You are simply asking questions for clarity.

"No," Seohee says. "There isn't. Front entrance is the only way in." She looks back at the paper and draws a line through her hallways to the stairs. "Easy way there. Just walk through. If you happen to run into anyone you want to avoid, you can go through any of the labs. Most of them are connected."

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