The Shadow Meeting

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All streets around town had been abandoned for weeks now. It was better that way. The sky was dark, streetlights were dim and the silence was deafening. No one attempted to do anything about it, not after the death of most heroes that had tried. Those that still stood a chance, decided to lie low until there wasn’t another option.

The cause of this all? No one knew exactly what it was. It had been described to be a dark figure, almost like a shadow. One that glides, not walks. Much further description couldn’t be given. Those that knew, had died. Rumors said that one single look into this monster’s eyes was enough to take a life. No one dared to risk it after that.

The state of the world was almost apocalyptic, but what other choice was there? Even during the day, the darkness didn’t subside. It only grew darker every day. While at first, only the nights were dangerous, the days were soon taken too. The sunlight was no longer bright enough to shine through the everlasting darkness. If that was the end of it, maybe none of this would be as big of a problem. But slowly, light in general got dimmer. The streetlights showed the first signs of this after a week, maybe two. It was troubling for sure, but at least you were safe while inside. But how about food? Would that just run out..? Was this going to have an end? No one knew.

Rachel only decided enough was enough once her bedroom light started to lose its flair. She noticed it one night, all of a sudden, as if it hadn’t been a gradual change. It just stood out to her when reading her book wasn’t as easy anymore. That took her breath away, did that mean it was no longer safe to be inside..? Could the shadows now roam free..?
Within seconds, the book in her hands was replaced by her phone. She had to discuss this and have that important conversation right away, so she texted the one that was important to her.

‘My night light got dimmer.. How are your lights?’

‘This isn’t looking good, Rae.. but there’s no way to fight them. Not without the others.’

‘I don’t know what to do either.. I just don’t want to stay here anymore.’

‘What are you saying?’

‘I want to see you. Will you meet me halfway..?’

‘It’s way too dangerous. We cannot leave the safety of our apartments.’

‘What safety? They are coming in, Gar, this’ll be our last chance. I’d rather risk it.’

‘I’ll be on my way, then. Please get your earpiece so we can stay in touch. Meet you at the subway?’

‘See you there in 10.'

‘Please don’t leave before we hear each other.’


Rachel had been alone in her apartment for these past weeks, ever since it started. Gar had done the same, just for good measure. The twenty minutes between them had been enough for them to decide to wait this one out. But they had been walking on that fine line of ‘we can wait another day’ and ‘we are too late.’ Today, they had decided which one was true. Now, they just had to hope their judgement was right. Waiting wasn’t an option anymore. The rest of their team had tried to fight the shadows. They hadn’t heard a word from them since.

The two had no way of knowing how long electricity would still last, so they agreed to use their phones and leave the earpieces be, but keep them charged at all times. If, at some point, their phones were dead and wouldn’t charge again, they still had these earpieces, just in case, to contact each other safely. But today, they would use them, because whatever the outcome for their trip would be, they weren’t going to need them again.

Rachel was prepared. A backpack with the necessities had already been sitting in her room, just in case an escape was the only way out. Everything she might need was in there. The nature of her abilities, scared her though. How would these monsters react? Because of the fear that they might be able to feed off of her, she decided to not use them. Instead, she had a knife ready. There was no way she would leave without it, even if it was just for a feeling of safety. Of course a knife wouldn’t be able to hurt a shadow. But no one ever said there were no other dangers lurking within those same shadows.
The girl put on her black coat. It was long, warm and had a hood to cover her face. The deep pockets could help to conceal her knife. Once the backpack was on her back, she took the earpiece and turned it on. After one, last, deep breath, she put it in her ear and waited.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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