In which a Fire is Dusted

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Thank you  ChaosDancer12 and  MistraltheSkelegirl for joining me this chappy

There was a Fate on her leg.

No.. Fire was not exaggerating.

The Fate was holding onto her ankle like it was a life line.

"Please let me go.." She said politely, she may dislike most Fates but she might as well be polite.

"Please! Help me!" Fate begged looking... hopefully at Fire.

What.. the... FUNK!

"Help me Obi-was Fireobi! You're my only hope!"

"No!" Fire said.

"But my Omniverse is about to collapse into another! To merge with beings that shouldn't exist!" Fate begged.

"Yeah.. no, I barely have enough time to Admin my own." Fire scoffed.

"Well, okay.. Plan Two then." Fate said.

Fire got Adminapped.


Dust was pretty sure that something was off about himself.

Something important.

Fate hid deeper, not wanting to admit that she forgot to switch the gender of the Skeleton to a female.


Dust Dusted his AU.

It was almost a relief.

No one would suffer anymore.

Wait... did he just think of a pun?

Twenty minutes later, a goopy hentai octopus appeared.

"I am not Hentai or an Octopus!" The being scowled, apparently, Dust had said it out loud.

"Meh..." Dust said.

And he joined Night's Bad Sanses since he was already bored.


"I don't do dishes or windows." Dust told his new.. friends?

"Dishes?" Horror asked, bewildered.

"Windows?" Killer asked.

"I don't know why, but it had to be said." He replied.


"Hey...." Dust said, spotting a Temmie.

"Heya!" The Temmie smirked, and he paused.. He swore that it was an Axetale Temmie but it didn't have the Hungered feel.

"How many Skittles would it take to drive Cross up the wall?" He asked, not knowing why it had to be Skittles.

The Temmie's smirk grew evil.


Ghost Papyrus stared.

X stared back.

Dust ate some popcorn, he really did wish that Cross hadn't taken a nap as X had discovered that he could see them.

It was a Mexican standoff...

Sadly, Mexico didn't exist in this Multiverse...but that was okay, because Dust didn't like spicy food.

Wait.. what the Funk was Mexico?

And why did he censor his thoughts anyway?


"Who's your friend?" Dust asked as a Axetale Temmie walked in with.. a shadow wolf? He was too lost in a meh mode to ask for their names.

The wolf sat down and tilted its head at Dust. It looked like it was smirking.

Dust tilted his head too, doing his usual non emoting.

The wolf huffed quietly and walked closer, getting comfortable before going to sleep.

"..." Dust said and he took a nap too, he really didn't care either way.

A dragon tilted it's head at Dust. Wait, where did it come from?

Dust was asleep, so he didn't care, and if he was awake.. well.. he wouldn't care.

The black fluffy dragon curled up next to Dust and closed it's eyes. A small nap wouldn't hurt.

Chaos yawned, before she fell asleep, her mind was busy with other things.


Meanwhile Fate cried, why wouldn't her Omniverse just fix itself.

Sooner or later, she had to give Fire back, she hit the codes again.

"Please work, I don't know how long Dust can be slowed down." She begged.


Meanwhile back at the ranch... I mean that random AU where the Bad Sans lived... you know what I mean! Back, I say, Back Fresh.. did you get here?!

Fate cried and she pushed Fresh back to his Multiverse.

Now.. where was she.. right...

Letting Dusty Fire fill the void while she tried to fix this.

This... being Ink...

'Right... let try this again...' She thought, hopefully those other admins were patient.


"Did someone say something?" Dust asked, after he suddenly sneezed....

Dust shrugged, and he wondered off to sharpen a knife or something, as he had no answer, and his brother's ghost just shrugged.

And thus all the admins missed a chance to appear, or to add random remarks, just for laughs.

"Why am I hearing someone narrating badly?" Cross asked, poking his head out of his room.

"Dramatics..." X replied.

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