Pardonez-Moi 😏

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Me reading fanfiction +
facts about Hamilton:

Fanfic: Hamilton sleeps with Jefferson even though Laurens loves him (Hamilton)....

Me: *shaking my little shit cousin (he's taller)*: WHAT THE HELL ALEXANDER?!

Me: He knows he shouldn't be messing with Jefferson... I get it he's hot...

Alexander: Did you just say--

Me: Not important. You're supposed to be with Laurens you rat bastard... Everyone else is off limits

Alexander: 🖕🏼

Jefferson: Hah your cousin thinks I'm hot, least she has good taste...

Lafayette: But I thought she liked me?

Alexander: Laf, she's your cousin...

Lafayette: My distance cousin!!
Mon ami.

Me: Hello I'm right here...
I can hear you...

Jefferson: I wonder how she feels about France?

Me: Je t'aime France.

Lafayette 🤩 Parles vous Francais?!

Me: Oui, Je suis Francais...

J x L: *fangirling*

Alexander: Must you do this all the time?

Me: It just happens, be lucky Laurens is gay or I'd hit on him too...

Alexander: *protectively hugs Laurens and hisses at Emerson*

Me: 😘

(Yeah I think I was drunk
when I wrote this 😅)


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