Chapter 6

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As Percy was led to the ballroom where everyone would be mingling and chatting for the evening, he reached up and loosened his dress shirt. He had gotten rid of the blazer and tie he was wearing earlier for the ceremony, feeling a bit more comfortable in just a blue dress shirt and black slacks. It still was nothing compared to worn shirts and pants, but he was in a castle now. It's not like he could dress like he was still an Omega. Even though he technically still was one.

Will and Rachel had been sent elsewhere to meet the other friendly advisers that people brought, and now the contestants had to meet and actually act friendly like this wasn't a competition that could turn deadly if people were given the chance.

Percy entered hesitantly, looking around the ballroom. He wanted to sleep. Or eat. Or die. Or be literally anywhere else than here. Just as he was eyeing the guards at the door and trying to figure out a way to sneak out, a voice called out from the crowd.

"Hey, it's you again!"

When he turned his head, Percy began to wish he had sneaked out earlier. He fidgeted nervously as the girl and boy he met earlier approached him. He couldn't remember their names.

The boy grinned, in such a way that it made Percy feel uneasy. Like he was about to be pick-pocketed. "How are you enjoying the party ... ?" He trailed off in a manner that indicated he wanted to know the name of who he was speaking to.


"Ah," the boy nodded. "I had just been calling you the Omega in my head, and that just wouldn't do."

"Remind me your name again," Percy said bluntly, eyeing the other girl to let her know that he didn't remember her name either.

"Oh, well, I'm Nico." He stood up straight and bowed with a flourish. "Nice to meet you, again."

The girl was silent, and Percy had a feeling that they shared the same silent personality. Nico nudged her, and she rolled her eyes. "I'm Reyna."

"You're both from the lower ranks, right?" Percy asked.

"Sigmas," Nico confirmed. "We knew each other before we got picked. I forced Reyna to enter with me as a dare."

Reyna's face scrunched up, showing how annoyed she was that she actually got picked. "I just did this for the dare," she snapped defensively to Percy. "But now that I'm here, I won't mind fighting my way to the top."

Percy smiled just slightly, nodding. He was impressed by Reyna and he had only met her a few moments ago. "I'll be sure to stay out of your way then," he said. He turned to Nico. "What about you? You wanna win this?"

Percy smiled just slightly, nodding. He was impressed by Reyna and he had only met her a few moments ago. "I'll be sure to stay out of your way then," he said. He turned to Nico. "What about you? You wanna win this?"

Nico shrugged. "Don't know. Depends if the Prince does anything for me. I'm not gonna be with a guy who I don't even like in like a, like like way."


Reyna looked Percy up and down. "And you?"

"Are you trying to win this 'thing'?" Reyna said, mimicking the tone he used with Nico.

Percy shook his head. "I'm here for the money," he said quietly, making sure nobody else heard. "I'm an Omega if you haven't noticed by now. My family needs it desperately."

Nico and Reyna were both silent; Nico was staring at him with wide eyes, while Reyna stared with what seemed... begrudging approval. "Uh," Nico started. "Well, at least you have your priorities straight?"

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