Almost Made A Huge Mistake

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When I go back to school I don't pay attention to Sophia, Lily, Jake or even Alexis. I don't ignore them, more like avoid them. I don't want to tell them that Eli doesn't want me talking to them. Eli has been calling me much more now, and I don't get why.

While I'm in class I jump when my phone rings, cutting Mr. Craig off. Everone looks at me as I pull my phone out of my pocket and silence my phone. What a surprise, it was Eli.

"Nicole, I know you're aware of our phone policy. Please give me your phone." Mr. Craig says crossing his arms. I sigh as I rise and walk up to him, and hand my phone to him.

"You can have it back at the end of the day." He says walking to his desk.

When I turn around to return to my seat, Jake is staring at me. He shakes his head. I roll my eyes and walk back to my seat.

After class it's lunch time. I walk out of class and heat to my locker when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Jake.

"Your phone has been blowing up with calls and texts." Jake says walking next to me.

"No shit, sherlock."

Jake scoffs and I look around to make sure Eli isn't around. I stop in my tracks when I turn the corner and he's waiting at my locker looking around. I quickly pull Jake out of Eli's sight.

"Whoa, relax. Who's been calling you? Eli?" Jake asks.

"That is none of your buisiness. Alright now leave me alone." I say.

"I'll talk to you later then."

No, you won't

I walk up to Eli with a smile, which he does not return.

"I called you." Eli says.

"Yeah. I was in class and-"

"Whatever, let's go outside for lunch." Eli cuts me off sighing.


Eli is sitting against the tree and I sit in between his legs leaning back against him. The bell rings and I sigh.

"Time to go back to class." I say leaning forward.

Eli's hands slide down and he wraps his arms around my torso pulling me back.

"No. Stay with me." He mumbles into my hair.

"Eli, we have class." I chuckle.

"So what? Let's skip."

"No way. I have a test I can't miss."

"Come on." Eli whines.

"Eli I'm serious." I manage to slip out of his arms and I stand up brushing my pants off. Eli stands also.

"Why? Do you really have a test? Or are you sneaking off to see another guy."

"No, don't be ridiculous." I pick up my bag but it drops when Eli grabs my wrist, hard.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." He says through clenched teeth.



I gently touch my cheek as I look over at Eli. He back-handed me.

"I'm gonna be late. I'll see you later." I say walking backwards looking at Eli who is just staring at me with anger. I then turn around and quickly go to my next class.

At the end of the day I stop by Mr. Craig's class to get my phone. I knock on the door gently before entering. Mr. Craig looks up from his computer.

"Hi. Can I have my phone now?" I ask as politely as I can. Mr. Craig reaches into his drawer and pulls out my phone.

"I better not catch you with this again. I had to turn it off because it was ringing too much. But here you go." He hands me my phone.

I turn on my phone. 32 missed calls and 40 missed texts all from Eli. I sigh.

"Hey...are you okay? What happened to your face?"

I look up to see Mr. Craig looking down at me with a concerned look. I gently touch my cheek.

"Oh..yes. I'm okay. It's nothing..." I say putting on the best smile I can.

"You sure?"

I nod.

"Okay. Well you have a nice day now."

I smile again.

"Thank you. You too."

In the parking lot I hear yelling. I furrow my eyebrows and look over. I gasp. Jake and Eli, beating each other up. I drop my bag and run up to them.

"Guys! Stop! Hey! Eli, back away!" I scream. I back away as they get closer.

Eli gets Jake down and punches his jaw. Before I can stop myself I jump on Eli's back and wrap my arms around his neck as tight as I can. Eli grabs my arms trying to rip them off my neck but I just grip tighter.

"Nicole? What are you doing?!" Jake yells.

I see Eli's face turning red and I loosen my arms up. That's when Eli throws me off his back and I land on the concrete. I look up and Eli is hunched over coughing. I'm about to go with him when Jake rises me up and runs off with me.

We get to Jake's house.

"What are you doing? Your mom is going to see." I whisper to Jake as I follow him upstairs.

"No she's not. She's somewhere with Liz."

Jake walks into the bathroom and I stand in the doorway watching him. He sighs when he sees himself in the mirror.

"Here. Let me." I say walking into the bathroom.

I take the first aid kit and jump up onto the counter to sit on it. I get everything ready as Jake sighs and steps forward resting his hands on either side of my hips. I look up and Jake's face is right in front of mine. I bite my lip gently as I dab Jake's cuts with a wet cloth. Jake groans and he squeezes my hip.

"Sorry." He whispers. I nod.

When I finish I look at Jake.

"Why were you guys fighting?" I ask. Jake rolls his eyes.

"Cause I was waiting for you at you car and he accused me of trying to hook up with you."

I sigh.

"You're bleeding." Jake whispers.

"Yeah I...I must've hit it on the concrete." I whisper back not taking my eyes off of his.

"Let me." Jake whispers with a smile. I smile back handing him the wet cloth.

"What?" Jake asks chuckling when he catches me staring at him.

" just...look kinda cute when you're concentrated. You furrow you eyebrows together." I say blushing. Jake playfully scoffs.

"Jake Oliver is not 'cute.'" Jake says. I laugh and playfully roll my eyes.

"I like it when you laugh." Jake says. I blush.

"Stop." I mumble looking down.

"Why?" He whispers.

I look up at him and he stares into my eyes. I bite my lip and he glances down at my lips then back at my eyes. I do the same before he leans in.

"Jake?! Are you home?!" Jake's mom yells from downstairs. Jake stops and sighs pulling away.

"Yeah." He yells back. I smile at Jake as I slide off the bathroom counter.

"Let's go." I tell him.

I almost made a huge mistake. The lord gave me a second chance by having Jake's mom come in at the right time.

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