1 (part two)

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Even after they got cleaned, they kept sprawled out together afterwards for a long time listening to songs.

It feels natural like no time has ever passed in between these years. But it's not true, it definitely did and even if they won't say it out loud, the things were pretty rough back then and whether if Zayn and Harry chose whatever happened they can't deny that it was heartbreaking and that they regret it.

"What are you thinking?" Zayn asks sensing the silence stretched over and how Harry seems to be out of it.

Harry takes in a deep breath.

"Nothing much... just stuff," He says not feeling like explaining why he is nervous all over again as he is getting closer for promotion, wanting to just sleep it off and not think about it.

And just when he wishes his mind to be silent his phone starts going off repeatedly. It is like someone has got no chill and his phone is going off so much like the world is ending.

"Bloody hell!" Harry grumbles not wanting to look at his phone, knows what must be happening.

"Are you not going to check what it is?" Zayn asks confused at the way Harry was behaving.

Harry shrugs. "No, it is ok. It is probably just my twitter." He says trying to sound calm and unbothered.

But Zayn is not buying it, he can clearly see something is going on which is bothering Harry and he actually sensed it before but didn't ask him thinking he was maybe nervous about them meeting.

But Zayn being the one not to back down insists that Harry tells him anyways when he waited for him to share it himself. He thinks the nervousness doesn't suit Harry. He never liked it.

"We both know that something is up." Zayn watches Harry shaking his head, "Don't hide it Haz, I know there's something. So just tell me why you're acting like this?" Zayn asks him sincerely.

Harry is panicking now chewing at his bottom lip. He knows it might just be stupid but it is really big, at least for him. It's a big step. People and fans may think he is confident and all and that nothing can get him fazed. But this time it literally has hit him.

Because what he is going to do it is a big thing, the biggest step he has taken till now, to let go and put himself out there for the world to see him. The Real him. To let them judge and obscure and rip at his parts for their sake.

It is overwhelming and a little scary if he is being honest. And it is hard for Harry to wrap his head around the fact that it is time and it really is happening now.

"Harry! babe?" Zayn let Harry out of his thoughts with his gentle and caring voice. "Is it about the album?"

Harry's eyes go wide at that. How the fuck do you know that?

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