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Dollar store losers club

@book_nerd: hey guys did you see dumbledore's post??

@thebiwholived: ron is still on the floor laughing like a manic

@lonny_luna: who do you think is their wrong house??

@plantsarefriends: idk i don't think there's any one who aren't meant to be in their house

@snekboy: well we'll have to wait till tonight

@strangexanna: well i have an assumption...

@graceful.addi: whooooo???

@strangexanna: i think Luna might fit well in Hufflepuff....

@ginnyxweasley: the one thing we all know is that Malfoy is definitely not in the wrong house ;)

@snekboy: well i can't argue with that weaslette

@pansandpots: guys lets just wait till tonight and then freak out. but lets agree that whoever has a reason , like if anyone has asked not to be in one house they have to tell everyone

@thebiwholived: why does it matter? if someone has a reason that he didn't tell anyone they might not want to tell everyone

@420blaiseit: hiding something pottey boy?

@thebiwholived: ok 1. ew don't call me that, 2. I'm not hiding anything I'm just stating facts.

@loony_luna: ok ok let's not fight. i think pansy is right everyone who agrees say aye

@everyone except harry: aye

@loony_luna: sorry har har but everyone else agrees so it's decided!

@thebiwholived: ugh fine.

@.notttheo.: see you all tonight!


Ron - stays

Hermione - Ravenclaw

Harry - Slytherin

Draco - stays

Pansy - stays

Blaise - stays

Neville - stays

Luna - Hufflepuff

Theo - stays

Addison - stays

Annalise - stays

Ginny - stays

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