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Izukus pov:

Mina raised her hand. "Yes mina"
"How" she said pointing at my ears and tail. "Because I have more than one quirk and this happens to be one of them," everyone looked shooked.
Mr aizawa:" how many quirks do you have and what are they."
Me: "six, the-"
Me: Yes six, theirs prodigy, multi, ghoul, Angel/demon, and ofa.
Mr aizawa: and what do they do.
Me: prodigy let's me have any and every quirk-
Everyone: WHAT.
Me: I swear cut me off ONE more time and I'll make you with you were never born!?   Got it.
Me: good.
  (After explaining the quirks)

Sorry for the short chapters loves
Have a good night/day/afternoon. Bye

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