Meeting once again

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It was quite night, barely anyone really out in about due to the fog that had come in at the start of sunset, but there alone sat Aizawa. Alone and silent in the dark cold alleyway resting his eyes from using his quirk too much throughout the day. Patiently waiting for someone who he deeply wished would show but felt wouldn't. Opening his eyes when he heard the sound of footsteps and there he saw a figure in the fog unable to make out who it was. Though could tell by the scent of lilac perfume that came from them it was who he was to meet. A strong scent that blocked the smell of mud and mist around him.

"I was starting to think you weren't going to show. I was sure you forgot me," he said his eyes fixed on the figure.

     "Hard to forget a man who made my life stressed and painful." They were cold in their response, moving more towards Aizawa to better see him. To reveal to him the short brown haired woman he so dearly wanted to see. "What do you even want anyway? To gloat to me how you caught my team? Or is this a trap to catch me to?" she was clearly annoyed with him but it seemed something was troubling her.

    "I merely just wish to talk to you (Y/N) that's all I want then I'll go."  Aizawa looks at her with soft eyes, "I want you to come home and put what you've become behind you. Don't you remember what great of a hero you were to be. We can work together to fix all this, you just have to come back with me. I don't plan to turn you in if you refuse. I just merely want to ensure you're safe and cared for." he'd gently take her hands in his trying to show her he cared for her. They were very close back then til (Y/N) had left unexpectedly in the night. No one knew what happened to her for months or where she even went, till one night she was seen on the news with a league of villains. It pained those most close to her to see what she became when she left them. It hurt Aizawa the most though with how much he cared for her and protected her. (Y/N)  just looked at him rolling her eyes as she pulled her hands back stepping away from him.

"And you surely took great care of me with how much pressure you put on me with training. The constant hours I barely slept or was able to eat. Being in pain and bruised by the end of it because you'd think so much of what I did wasn't good enough for a hero. You hurt me mentally and physically through each and every day of training. When I left I left because of you." she had pain and sorrow in her voice as she had teary eyes keeping her gaze from him. "I'm not coming back not today not ever so why don't you just walk away and forget about me. I sure as hell try to forget about you I can tell you that." They stood there in silence for a while not quite sure what to say to each other.

"I trained you so hard because I'd rather not wake up one moring to hear I've lost you. I trained you so hard because I was scared if you weren't skilled enough you'd be hurt." Aizawa had his fist clenched now anger and sadness building inside him that he tried to contain. He only wanted what was good for her to insure her safety and here she was. The one he mosted trusted and cared for telling him she didn't even want him in her life. "I'm sorry for pushing you so hard but I just wanted you to have an actual chance of living if you fought some. It's not my fault you never seemed to care for actually trying to achieve anything. You mostly cared about yourself half the time I bet." He didn't quite understand why he said the things he did. His mind was cluttered with anger he contained for so long. Pain in his heart that he realized he caused. Sarah just started walking away from him not wanting to be around him much longer now. Really though she wanted to hide from him the tears that had now fallen. She had tried hard since she ran from her old life to let her emotions get the best of her. Today she couldn't handle it anymore though.

"Have fun with the life you have, Aizawa, because it won't be so cheerful for you now. Nice knowing how little you cared for me when I thought you had cared so much. Maybe you're the one who only cares about themselves." (Y/N) kept walking only for Aizawa to pull her back holding her in place by her shoulders. He was clearly hurt by how she thought of him now. That was quickly covered though by anger.

"You really think I only care about myself! Every night I'd go out to patrol I feared so much that without you by my side something bad would happen to you! I was scared some night I'd come home and you'd be dead because you'd be dead because I didn't protect you!" He couldn't hold back the waves of tears now streaming down his cheeks. His grip tightened (Y/N)'s shoulders as he looked into her eyes. "Do you know how painful it was to tell those who thought you died what you became! To pray that I didn't run into you so I didn't have to fight with someone I love and care for! To see what destruction and pain you've caused to this city and it's people! Have you even thought about what this does to Eri! You were the one person she looked to as a mother! Now she's scared she caused you to leave and do this because of her quirk! Have you ever once thought about someone else since you've left! I know you've changed but, at least have a heart!" He looked at her shocked as he saw tears falling down her cheeks. Slightly trembling as he loosened the grip on her shoulders pulling her into a hug. Guilt in his heart as he felt he scared her or made her think he hates her. "Just please (Y/N) come back. I miss you and Eri does too. You're so important to us both. We just want you home and safe."

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