First date

30 5 18

A/N: I know the picture has nothing to do with this chapter but I was shocked when I read it!!!

Y/n had just finished training and was jumping up and down with excitement about her first date with Leo.

M: Why are you so happy, y/n

Y: Nothing

Y/n sat down and ate one slice of pizza, then had an idea.

Y: Bye, got to go Mikey

D: Woah, you nearly bumped into me

Y: Donnie I need your help with something

D: What is it

Y: First of all can you keep secrets

D: Yes, definitely

Y: Good, let's go to your lab so I can tell you it

They walk into the lab and shut the doors behind them.

Y: Leoaskedmeoutonadateattheice
skatingrinkat10pmandIsaidyesbutI wantyoutomakesomespecialice skatingboots

Y/n blurted it all out really fast that Donnie didn't understand what she said.

D: Can you reapet that again, y/n

Y: Leo asked me out on a date at the ice skating rink at 10pm

D: Cool

Y: I said yes but I want you to make some special ice skating boots

D: What type of special ice skating boots

Y: A normal ice skating boot but with a unique matching design on both if them

D: Ok, I'll get to work on that straight away, but only because it is your first date with Leo

Y: Your the best Donnie, bye

It was five o clock and y/n decided to go watch her favourite tv series.

Two hours later at 7pm.

D: Hey y/n I made the boots, come look at them

Y: Cool

Y/n jumped off of the sofa and paused the tv.

D: Here they are, two pairs of specially designed ice skating boots

Y: There amazing

The boots were a light blue colour with pale blue lighting strikes all over it. On the back of y/n's it said y/n in gold and on the back of Leo's it said Leo in gold. Also on the side facing outwards, their was a gold heart with the gold words Y/n & Leo in it.

D: Thanks

Y: I'll go show Leo

Y/n ran out of the lab, to find that Mikey was playing on the Xbox with Raph and Leo watching him.

Y: I hadn't finished that episode, I only paused it

L: Sorry, sorry

Y: Oh, come look at these

Y/n held up the ice skating boots. Leo got up and walked over to her.

L: Who made them

Y: I asked Donnie to make them because it needs to be a special first date

L: I love them

Y/n decided to watch Mikey play the Xbox too and when she looked at her phone it was eight o clock.

Y: I better go get ready now Leo, bye

L: Ok, bye

Y/n went and had a shower to wash away the sweat from earliers training session.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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