qChapter 10 ~Christmas pt.2~

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Chresanto's P.O.V.

Bahja looks amazing for a girl who just literally got out the hospital. We were getting matching Timbs. We were laughing a joking around until Jacob and Bre came over mad as fuck

"What's wrong? Y'all okay?"Bahja asked

"She on her period and he ain't getting in them draws."I mumbled but Bahja hit me in the back of the head

"Shut up Chres, he mad cause I bummed into my ex and we talked and exchanged numbers, so that made me mad that he mad over some stupid shit."Bre said folding her arms up under her breast

"Aye thou shall not tell thou king to shut up."I said and got another hit in the back of my head by Bahja.I flinched and rubbed my head

"Boy shut the hell up."Bahja said in a serious tone

"Well,are yall done Christmas shopping?"Jacob asked trying to change the subject

"We are!"Zonnique yelled, we turned around amd saw Nique and Ray carrying a bunch of bags

"Dammmnnnn."Me and Jacob said trying to sound like Ice Cube and Chris Rock off of Friday

"Y'all bought all that shit for Christmas?"Bahja asked, they both had atleast 20 bags but they were in a cart you could carry in and out the stores. Each bag had at least 10 things inside. I saw this ine bag that had a disney sign on it so I knew that was mine

"I know yall bought me something Disney." I said smirking

"Chres those are for King and Major." Nique responded. I smacked my lips like Bahja do when she has an attitude

"Soo...." Bre said sighing

"Well I'm done so we can go." Nique said

"Alrighty lets go." I said, we all walked up to the cash register to pay for our stuff

Zonnique 's P.O.V.

Christmas Morning

Its Christmas time. I woke up at like 7:30am. I'm excited for Christmas. Not just because I have presents waiting for me , but it's the first Christmas I get to spend with Ray and the boys. I can't wait to see what everyone got. Truth is I did get Chres something Disney, I just needed an excuse. I got everybody something. Even my Dad , Trey. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and to put my hair back into a messy bun and fixed my pajamas. I washed my face then headed back into my room. I woke Ray up by jumping on the bed like a Iil ass kid. He pulled my legs and I fell on the bed

"NIGGA!"I yelled but not loud enough to wake everyone up

"Take yo over-sized kid ass back to sleep." He said in his half sleep voice

"Do you even know what day is?" I asked him raising my right eyebrow subbed lowering my left

"Christmas, it's five o'clock I'm the morning."He said while trying to go back to sleep by stuffing his head into the pillow

"Correction, it's actually 7:48am thank you very much. And if you don't get up I'm going to cut your braids off and give them to charity

or they might even make it into weave." I threatened him but he didn't say anything but just get up and go to the bathroom. I smirked at myself and got up to wake the rest of everyone up .

By the time I got everybody up and ready or was around 8:30ish. When everyone came into the living room, they rushed to the Christmas tree and grabbed their presents. Everyone had at least 6 presents from each of us. I grabbed my camera and I gathered everyone to take a picture. After the pictures we all opened them.

"Ahhhhh, some Brazilian weave! And it's wet and wavy. OMG thank you so much Nique." Bahja is so fucking Ratchet , I just don't understand.

" So damn ratchet." I said and everyone laughed

"I knew that y'all was getting be something Disney." Chres is hilarious

"Open it dummy." He got 2 plane ticket to Disney World

"Ayyyyeeeee!" He got up and danced

"Bahja, we are going to Disney World." She rolled her eyes playfully and shook her head

"Actually everybody's going to Disney World Chresanto, but it will be like around April. Orlando gets chilly at night when it's winter time."I explained but he stopped dancing and smacked his lips. After about 5 hours everybody was on their way to see their family. This is going to be a loooonnnnnggggg day.

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