If Not for Magic

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"If it weren't for magic..."

The words of course sounded wrong when they first came out of his mouth, but even more wrong when Sara gave him a look. While he, her legal guardian simply wanted to say if it weren't for magic she'd likely have found herself lying dead at the bottom of a tower, yet the words obviously held some kind of bitter sting for the young girl.

"If it weren't for magic, I would never have attended Appleyard College for esteemed young witches. If it weren't for magic, you'd have never taken me in and I'd still be with Albert."

This resulted in a deep sigh from the man, knowing full well Albert left the orphanage young Sara found herself remaining in back when he'd tracked her down all those years ago. Of course, Sara didn't know how much time he'd spent attempting to track her down after her mother died, nor could she possibly know how much effort went into procuring ingredients for a Polyjuice potion just so he might remain unnoticed both by those from Britain who might be looking for him as well as those who might suspect something was up here if he didn't return the favor.

Of course, Sara would soon find out that and so much more about the man she knew by the name of Jasper Cosgrove that she didn't already know.

"I see."

"You don't see. I didn't belong there. I'm not a Pureblood like Miranda and Irma, but most certainly don't have the family status Irma does. I'm not even a Half-Blood like Marion. I'm a measly Mud..."

"Don't call yourself that. Even if you were..." He paused, thinking over his words carefully. "...a Muggleborn, don't call yourself that name, but don't ever let anyone put you down for your blood heritage."

Sara's small nose wrinkled up, reminding him of someone who tried ever so hard to explain to him why the whole Purebloods were superior was an issue. "You remind me of Siri."

"Who?" Sara's mouth twisted, meaning she was contemplating something, then she said. "I'm well aware you just said, 'even if you were' rather than 'even though you are'."

Of course, 'Siri' as he just referred to the specific person as would, in fact, be laughing his head off, noting how Sara was as precocious as he was at that young age, yet he definitely remembered directing his fiery intellect towards other things, such as the pursuit of falling in line with their family heritage and pointing out to 'Siri' how he was definitely wrong. 'Siri', who was, in fact, Sara's off-hand namesake.

"Honestly, I don't want to be going back to Britain with you." She'd said that more than once since they'd left, and there's not been much time in that regard, yet he'd hopped the long trip via boat rather than the Muggle device called an airplane would allow them to discuss things or at least have a couple of days to discuss things rather than a few hours. Of course, the small girl in front of him also tried escaping a tormentor he'd placed her under so carelessly, thinking she'd be safe – safer than with him given his past.

The past which was coming back to haunt him and why he found himself returning to the place of his birth, something he'd thought would never happen.

"I'd rather be with Alfred."

"I know, but you can't go through life without learning how to control your magic, Sara."

Her mouth twisted. "You're avoiding the question."

"What if I were to say your maman was actually a witch?"

"Then Alfred would be a wizard because then he could perform magic."

"Unless of course, he was a Squib." The remembering of what was a rather rude awakening regarding how Purebloods treated even their own made him swallow, but he finally turned and looked her in the eye as she sat on the bed, dressed in the school uniform his mother would be so proud of, yet he wondered if he'd let her expectations get in the way of what was best for Sara. Of course, it was also the school's uniform for mourning purposes.

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