Chapter 11: Day 2

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The next day started off in a similar fashion as the day before, but the team changed it's location to a mountainside platform. They couldn't be too sure of where Lucy would pop up when she arrived, so this was for training in a location without cover. The team was also on high alert because of the Mog Rider attack, they really didn't want to get caught off guard like that again. Fortunately nothing too terribly special happened during their practice, no monsters could be heard or seen... until Natsu decided to shout as loud as he could.

"EEEEEEEEECCCCHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!" He screamed and listened for the mountain to reflect his voice back at him, but what was reflected wasn't his voice, it was the roar of a monster. A rumbling could be heard from underneath them, it got stronger until a beast that looked something like a large, fat, lizard burst from the ground near the edge of the platform. Green scales, ginormous body, talons as long a swords, it had every quality of a dragon except for wings.

"What the hell is a Dreag' Gin doing here?!" Sira shouted.

"How should I know! I don't even know what that is!" Gajeel shouted back, clearly annoyed.

The group banded together and Sira told them what the thing was "It's a Dreag' Gin, they can read your mind, they're real dangerous where we come from. They're also quick to learn, WATCH OUT!" She cried out. Everyone jumped to avoid a pillar of green liquid.

"Gross." Erza and Wendy said. It looked like stomach acid, and the liquid burned it's way through the trunk of a dead stump.

"CHARGE!" Came Natsu's obnoxiously loud shout, and he flew in to punch it. The Dreag' Gin snorted and quickly spun around, sending Natsu flying with a swish of it's tail. Natsu screamed as he was sent off the mountain and the crew could hear a dull thump from the bottom of the mountain when he landed.

"Good work Natsu!" Erza yelled down the mountain, "You are officially the biggest clown I've ever met!"

Wendy scolded Erza,"That's enough Erza, we have a Dreag to take down." The Dreag' Gin at this point was making a snorting sound, like it was laughing or mocking the team of wizards.

Charla flew to Wendy and got her attention, "I don't think that it's going to attack, I received a vision that what it did to Natsu was just self defense."

Wendy looked at the female Exceed, "Are you sure?" She asked.

"I'm sure." Came the reply.

"Okay, let's tell the others." Wendy turned back to the others to tell them not to attack, but she was about three seconds too late. The others had already started attacking, and every time someone attacked, the Dreag' Gin reacted and simply countered.

"Guys! Stop attacking!" Wendy shouted, but no one heard over the intense barrage of war cries and insults. The little girl stomped her foot in frustration and got an idea. Gajeel was trying to attack this time, and Wendy did some on the spot thinking on how to carry out her plan, and then she roared.

"Wind dragon's roar!" She shouted, and Gajeel went flying off the mountain in a similar fashion to Natau; with a dull THUMP coming from the bottom of the mountain when he landed.

"Oops," Wendy grimaced, "Little too much power there..."

"Wendy, explain the meaning of this." Erza said with an evil glint.

"Umm... Charla got a vision," She squeaked, "She said that the monster wouldn't attack unless we did..."

"Oh." Erza said, feeling bad that she scared the girl, "Well then what's it here for?" She asked.

Grey stepped over, "Well why don't you ask it?" He suggested before turning the giant lizard, "Hoy hoy! What'd you come here for?!" He shouted.

"I don't think it can talk," The twins said in unison after the Dreag' Gin didn't respond, "But we do think that we can help." They continued before walking up to it cautiously. The lizard just looked at them.

"Why does it take both of you?" Erza asked, "You didn't need Sira when you took a look at my soul."

Sira turned to the redhead, "That's because he can already read and enter most human souls; human souls wavelengths are usually the same so he didn't need my help. However," She points at the Dreag' Gin, "that is not human, nor is it any the animals we normally hunt in Toldoran. My brother and I need to merge souls using my surface Soul Weaving Resonance and I can obtain it's Soul Wavelength for my brother, since we're already resonating the information is shared between us two."

Wendy was still a little confused, "Why can't you just resonate with the Dreag' Gin?"

Sira expected this question and already had an answer prepared, "I can't just do resonance with anyone, I share a bond with my twin brother, and it allows me to resonate with my brother and my brother alone." She explained.

"Oh." Wendy said, finally understanding.

"But how can you speak to it?" Grey asked.

"When Syren enters someone's soul, the souls are speaking directly, language is not necessary because the language of the soul is universal."

"Oh..." Grey said, scratching his head.

Sira proceeded to obtain the Dreag' Gin's Soul Vibration, Syren put a hand on Sira's shoulder and her eyes flashed purple. The two were still for a second before Syren placed a hand on the Dreag' Gin and the two were still for a few moments. The others looked on in awe at how fast the siblings worked and how much they depended on each other. If one were to go on their own that one would not be able to do anything really.

Syren turned towards the group, "Weh er doon her."

The ores were baffled, "So soon, what did it say?" Pantherlily asked incredudicously.

"Notin, it jest wantin a smell chet." He said while turning to Sira and placing his hand once again on her shoulder.

Sira finished her brothers' statement for him, "It said that we should probably leave, something far stronger than us is nearby. It's getting late too, we should probably head back to the guild to report to Master Makarov."

The Dreag' Gin nodded it's head in approval before burrowing back into the hole it came from, the tunnel collapsed and left little sign that it had come out in the first place. The group had a quick overview of the day and started the process of packing up and heading home.

Meanwhile, at the peak of the mountain, Lucy stood watching her former guild mates handle the Dreag' Gin she had awakened from hibernation. She was a little disappointed the Dreag' was not as grumpy as it should have been, but was well pleased with how they dealt with it. She smiled and turned back to what she was doing before the team showed up; murdering someone. Lucy decided she wanted to end this quickly and not cause a stir to the bald man who was bound and gaged. She summoned the same dagger she used to stab Levy and walked toward the man, he had a dark guild mark on him, the mark of the guild called the Midnight Panthers. Lucy activated the daggers' special ability and it transformed into a short sword. Leaning down and looking right into the fearful eyes of the man, she paused before giving him a kiss, her Kiss of Death she liked to call it, as sort of present before the victim dies. She abruptly stopped the kiss before violently slashing her sword through the mans' neck.

Crimson liquid spurted out of the now exposed neck as the head of the man tumbled away from its body. Seconds later Lucy's curse kicked in and the guild mark of the man floated over to Lucy and disappeared under her clothes. She had just acquired a hypnotism-like magic that's used to influence peoples' emotions to a small degree.

'This will be rather useful in three days.' She thought and paused, "No, it will be useful tonight. I think I'll reward myself with this magic.' She smiled, practiced her cute giggle that got guys' hearts to melt, and teleported herself to another town.


A/N: I don't even want to describe how many revisions this chapter went under, it started with the same thing, and earth dragon without wings and a fight scene would commence, but for the life of me I could not get it right so I went with a semi peaceful ending. Anyway back to what you might be asking, why did it take so long? It's been over a month. Well the first reason is that my grades tanked and my parents won't really let me do much anymore other than study and homework. He second reason is that I've been working on my RWBY fanfic and the changing back in between so it ended up taking two weeks to write in my RWBY fanfic and two weeks to write this chapter. I do hope this changes in the future but I've been working hard to get my grades back up so the writing process is a little slow.

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