Chapter 1

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OMG new fanfic???? I'm not deleting this btw I'm feeling good about this one so enjoy!

Pic of Emma on the side :) aka lilly Collins

Emma's p.o.v
My eyes peered open to find s bright light shinning through the crack of my eyelids, I moaned and rolled over on my bed and covered my face with the fluffy white pillow my head was previously resting on.

My eyes started to droop as my body relaxed slightly in the comfortable position I was rested in, until my head snapped up from realization that my interview for a management company was today.

"Oh my god, oh my god" I screeched as I looked at my white iPhone 6 and it was 10:27 am and my interview was at 11:30!
"Shittttt" I groaned as I lunged my petit body forward which caused me a major headache.

I ran around my white room and stripped my pajamas off and chucked them aggressively on the floor until I was left in my under garments as I searched for a presentable outfit for my interview. I threw out a black wavy skirt and sheer tights, my shirt was a white collared button up blouse with ankle boots and my black and gold aldo purse.

I changed into my outfit and ran into my small bathroom and washed my face to wake me up a bit, I brushed my teeth and applied minimal makeup and a nice wing for eyeliner. I put my hair up into a messy bun and I was finished getting ready.

I checked the time to see it was 11:16 am and I chocked the office was 10 mins away and I have to be early so I quickly made some coffee and ran out of my apartment.

I reached my black and white Mini Cooper, I reached in my bag for my keys which took a while but then I finally pulled out the keys and started my car.

<><><> *the office*

I finally reached their office in w good time matter because it was 11:28 because traffic wasn't terrible at all and I was grateful, I locked my shiny car and admired the nice weather of L.A currently home town to so many celebs and wanna be famous strangers.

I smiled slightly heading into the giant shiny building that held my hopefully soon to be job, I walked through the main floor that was complete marble, marble floors, giant white pillars, and dark marble desk.

A small lady who sat at the front of the large desk gave me a warm smile that made all of her wrinkles show around her eyes and mouth, "hi I'm here for the 11:30 interview for the 10th floor" I stated shyly.

She looked down at her laptop and typed in a couple things before grabbing the phone on her left and called in for my interview, "okay Hun they will see you now" she beamed as I turned on my heels and walked into the large elevator that scared me because there were 20 floors.

After I pressed the glowing button that read '10' the elevator jerked upwards slowly going up to the destination I need to go to.

The elevator opened to reveal walls and walls covered in posters of the artists they have record deals with and I was in awe because all of the walls were painted with faces and names.

"Hello I'm Emma Claire here for my job interview" I stated as a young lady around my age maybe older glared at me and pointed towards an open door that read 'Kelly Simons" I gave her a forced smile and headed towards the small office.

"Oh my hi Emma!" Kelly beamed as she shook my hand and offered me to take a seat, I looked around her office and it was very colorful, the walls were a light green and she had twinkle lights around her desk and she had bands and singers on one wall.

"So what convinced you to apply for this job?" Kelly asked with s wide smile as I thought of the best answer.

*after the interview*

"So Emma I think you are a perfect fit for my assistant so you will come on meetings, rehearsals, everything!" She beamed happily, my heart skipped as I processed what she told me.

"Omg thank you I'm so happy!!!!" I gushed as she pulled me in for a quick hug. "Okay you will start tomorrow at 9:30 am and end at 11:00 pm sorry that's a lot of hours but you will get paid very well" Kelly winked at me as I laughed.

"Thank you I will be here at 9:30 thank you thank you!" I said as I shook her hand goodbye and headed towards the black elevator. I reached the bottom floor only to see flashing lights and screaming fans, four boys entered the building with sun glasses covering their eyes.

I cocked my head to the side in confusion they looked so familiar it was killing me, I started to walk forward until my body started to fall forwards until I caught my self and brushed some strands of hair to the side in nervousness.

Their eyes were on me as I fixed my skirt, I laughed slightly "oops..." I mumbled, the four boys smiled and took off their glasses showing their entire faces "oh my god..." I gaped as they copied my actions "EMMA" they all said in sync "oh fucking hell" I said rolling my eyes before they all came towards me and hugged me.

I was shaking my entire body was shaking, I couldn't move the boys who were my best childhood friends were hugging me.

"UMM hey" I laughed as they let go of my small figure, "so what's up?" They all asked in chorus, my eyes were wide as i processed what is happening "I'm umm.... Oh my god" was all I said until someone yelled "boys is that your little hoe?" A man with a giant camera screamed as I choked and walked away from the boys, my heart racing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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