Chapter One: Who's That Girl?

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I sat in the back of class, twirling my long brown hair only to find myself shooting up out of my seat to my embarrassment of my dazing off.

"Ms. Mota, do we have a problem?"
"No, Mr. Farren, not at all."
"Well then I suppose you can answer this next question if you aren't too busy with anything." Mr. Farren gazed at me evilly.
"Oh! Of course," I let out a petite cough "what was the question again?" I scanned the classroom of laughing students as my cheeks flushed bright red. At this moment I wanted to dig a hole in the dirt, crawl into it and die.

Mr. Farren let out a long, dragged along sigh as he flipped the page of his math book. "Alright then, I guess we will be-" His words faded away as I returned to my daydreaming. Of course something was wrong.

I lifted my head up from my pencil to clearly view the most heart warming guy on the planet.

Cameron Dallas.

He was perfect. Messy brown hair, sparkling hazel eyes, big wide smile and an attractive appearance. He was, of course, one of the popular kids. he probably didn't even know I existed.

I rubbed the back of my neck and let out a deep sigh. My mathematics teacher, Mr. Farren, grabbed his attention on me and all of a sudden I heard a "Bethany!"
I blinked roughly and tilted my head to the board. I gave my teacher an awkward, slight smile and said, "I'm sorry what was the question again?"

I heard students small giggles flood the classroom and I then looked to the spot 4 desks away from me and I caught Cameron Dallas staring at me along with the rest of the class. he wouldn't give out an expression, he just stared at me.

My cheeks turned bright red and I started to sweat.

"What is 2=2/M+3?" Mr. Farren stated.

"Oh, um," I stared at Cameron ten quickly looked away. I wanted to die.

The classroom sat in silence when I blurted out, "The answer is-"

The loud, irritating school bell started to ring and students fled the classroom.
I was left alone. On my own.
I quickly stacked my books on top of one another and left the classroom.

I walked down the hall headed towards my locker. 22-2-48. I turned the lock according to my code and my locker door popped open.

I glanced up and down my locker, as I grabbed my Chemistry notebooks.

I shut my locker quickly and left the hall. As I walked into my Chemistry class, room 12, I spot Cameron in the corner of my eye. Great. I bet I live with him too.

The bell rang and I left the doorway and sat in a random seat. Cameron sat two tables away from me, talking to his friend.

Everyone is seated and my chemistry teacher, Mr. Dobson, walked into the room and sat in the front. He let out coughs from his throat as he prepared for the days lesson.

"Good morning students, today I've decided to give you all new seats, and new lab partners." I sighed and set my attention back on Mr. Dobson.

"Alright. When I call your name, find your partner and find a seat," I crossed my fingers I wouldn't get Cameron or at least someone good. "Andy and Luke, Spencer and Kaycie, Bethany and-" My heart stopped. It then proceeded to pound and pound as he called my lab partners name. "Bethany and Cameron." I tightened my lips and thought to myself, "God no not today. not Cameron. Not the guy I like." I stood from my currents seat and making wide eyes, I wandered the room with my Jello legs. I found Cameron and led him to an empty table.

"And at last but not least, Madison and Jake." I heard a groan coming from my side. A tall, blond haired girl rolled her eyes as she dragged her feet to her partner. Then, she walked in front of Cameron and kissed his cheek, "I'd destroy this teacher for not pairing us together."

Cameron let out a sexy laugh.
"Oh I know," Cameron smirked "Go to your seat, your gonna get roasted by Mr. Dobson, love ya Madison."

My heart sunk deep deep into my chest as I figured out the obvious.
Cameron and Madison are dating.


I glance at Madison and she gives me a 'Fucking watch yourself' glare.
I sweat uncontrollably and I wipe my hands.

A few minutes passed into the lesson and I still haven't found the difference between this blue stuff and red stuff.

My eyes widened and I looked up at Cameron. "H-hi." I stuttered. Good job.

"My name's Cameron. Cameron Dallas. I thought I'd get to know you since we were paired." He lets our a sexy half smile and I almost screamed in my seat.

"Oh my name's Bethany Mota. It's nice to meet y-you." I was shaking. Oh god 5 minutes until the bell.

"Hey cool name. Mr. Farrens kind of a jerk, huh?
I scrunched my nose and realized he was referring to the 'scene' we had in 6th period. "Oh, yeah," I let out a giggle. "Pretty bad for a first day."

Camerons eyes widened and finally he stated, "You're new? Welcome to Brockbank High School." He then again, let's out a sexy laugh and smirk.

I giggle as I blushed red.

"You seem pretty cool, I look forward to being your lab partner. Maybe we could hang out and become friends." He smiles gently.

"Oh, thank you. I would love to get to know you." I smiled and giggled.

I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Madison, frowning at me.

Brrriiiing, brrriiiing, brrrriiiing.

The bell finally rung and I rushed out of the classroom, eager to go home.
Once I reached the halls, I saw Madison. She came up to me and growled, "What the fuck were you doing with Cameron back there in Chemistry?"

I tried to talk but couldn't. I struggled hard but couldn't find air.

"You had better watch yourself because if you keep up this buddying up with MY boyfriend, you're gonna have a hell heading towards you."

I nod slightly and I suddenly shut my eyes tightly, groaning in pain.

Madison had shoved me into a locker then kicked me while I sat on the floor.

"Bitch." Madison said then stormed away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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