Chapter 6

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Meanwhile, Mr. Ijaz went to his bakery where he caught sight pf the prettiest lady he met, after around nine years since his beautiful wife passed away. She was sitting at the counter where a man, Ijaz’s co-baker, served her a glass of water. She didn’t recognize his entrance, he assumed. So instead of meeting her abruptly, he stood away for a while, taking in her elegance… finally he walked towards the counter to approach her, wondering why she in Southampton.

“Good morning, ma’am. How can I help you?” he murmured with a smile.

She shifted her sight from the glass of water to see the owner of the voice and smiled instantaneously.

“Morning, Sir, getting formal, are we?”

She nodded towards a table and walked to it while Ijaz followed her. They sat and asked the co-baker for some delicious breakfast for the two.

Ijaz then spoke, “What brings you here out of the blue?”

“Why? You don’t want me here?”

“Oh no, it’s not like that… I’m just surprised. I’m actually very happy to see you.” He admitted gaining a small but hearty smile from her.

She swallowed a bolus and said, “I’m here for my son. He has a football match tomorrow and urged that I be here to support him.”

Ijaz then remembered Atif had a match too. As they talked, they realized both of their son were in the same school. He confessed that he didn’t want his son to attend the game.

“Why not?” She asked?

He explained his reasons. But she countered all his reasons with reasonable advantages that could be gained from playing football.

“Your son is big enough to make his decisions, Ijaz. You should give him a chance to play. Plus, he said that he won’t be playing football his entire life, didn’t he? He values your thoughts a lot but this is something he wants to do so badly. I think you’re going hurt him, reminding him the loss of mother.”

He thought for a moment before concluding she was surprisingly right. He was amazed at how she showed him the correct way to show love to his son… just the way his dearly wife used to.

He accepted his defeat. Later, they talked through the morning like how high school friends meet after what seems like ages when Sara got a phone call.

“I’m sorry, I have to leave. My son wants to see me badly. You know, it’s been two years since I’ve last seen him.” She excused herself to get up and leave.

“Oh I can understand. I’ll walk you to the door.”

When they walked out of the bakery, she turned to him and said, “Maybe come for a coffee eve?”

“I’m sorry I can’t make it. Maybe see you at the match?”

“Sure, at the match then.”

She smiled at him then turned and got into the car. He stared at the car until it was no longer visible. He sighed and got back to work with a hint of happiness and love shining from every part of him.

Ijaz returned home late, giving Atif a little to worry.

“Hey, dad!” he perked up when Ijaz finally made it home.

“Come sit, I’ll set the dinner for you.” He said.

“No it’s fine, I have eaten already.”

“Okay.” Atif’s face fell.

“Wait, you didn’t eat yet, did you?”

“It’s alright, I’m not hungry either.”

“Come on now, sit down. I’ll heat the food. Anyway, I don’t remember when I last ate.”

He hesitated before obeying his dad.

“At what time does your match begin?” Ijaz asked much to Atif’s surpirise.

“Sorry, could you repeat that, dad?”

“You heard me, son.”

“Well, it’s at 6 in the evening.”

“When do you leave?”

“I’ve got to be there before 1pm.”

“You want me to drop you by the stadium before I go to the bakery?”

Atif felt delighted even if his dad didn’t mention anything about attending the match. He replied, “I’d love it if you do so. In fact, it would be great if you stayed and watched me play but I know that’s too much to ask. You’ve got to work for us too. I know you need to stay at the bakery.”

Ijaz just nodded with a smile in response.

That night, while Atif dozed off happily thing about the game, Ijaz’s heart fluttered at the image of the lovable Sara and slowly shut his eyes… but seeing her behind the eyelids.

On the other side, Mansoor was restless, praying that Atif would make it to the match. He was aware that Ijaz didn’t like games but still prayed for a miracle which indeed had happened, unknown to him. If it happened otherwise, he felt he would lose Hamnah completely. He learnt that Jeremy was tagging with Atif to let both of them down but that’s not what he cared about. He wanted to make sure nothing harmed Hamnah. He wanted to do something that would stop scaring Hamnah away. He slept with a tiny hope in his heart that the weight of guilt on it would leave his heart eventually.

As soon as the first ray of sun stroke the sky, all of them jumped out of bed, each one’s eyes gleaming with hope to satisfy what they seek… most of it was a love explainable to anyone, not even within themselves.

Hamnah, as much as she wanted to go with his brother, she requested if she could just return home after school, without tagging along with her brother. Atif knew that it would be safer this way since she wouldn’t have to see Mansoor so he agreed with her. At the breakfast table, Hamnah seek a promise from Atif, “Please be careful when you deal with Jeremy. Don’t take everything he says to consideration without thinking if he said the right thing.”

He was surprised at the mention of Jeremy. He though she was going to ask him to stay away from Mansoor.

“What would Jeremy do?” he asked curiously.

“I’ll explain later. But for now, trust me when I say he isn’t what he seems to be.”

He thought for a moment before nodding it away. He thought that maybe she was scared of Jeremy because of Mansoor. But whatever the reason maybe, he didn’t want to spoil anyone’s mood.

Ijaz asked if Hamnah had to go to school. She informed him that it would be a half day. Ijaz walked Hamnah to school then took his car out and dropped his son by the stadium. Atif hugged his dad with delight before going into the stadium. Ijaz just smiled to his retreating back and felt glad that Sara told him the right thing to do. In an instant, his thoughts flied back to Sara, wondering if she was already here with her son or she was going to drop him off and come back to watch the match. All these many thoughts brought a love struck smile on his face that was plastered all along his work. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2015 ⏰

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