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Leta's head was throbbing as she sat up. She had tunnel vision but with the little amount she could see, she could make out that it was the hospital wing. She then peered over at her bedside where James sat, running his thumb over her hand with a worried face.

"Leta, are you okay?" He asked, jolting up when he looked into her stormy ones. He picked out a blade of grass from her hair before pushing it behind her ear. Someone behind him cleared their throat.

They looked around in horror but let out a sigh of relief when it was only Regulus. "Now she is awake, I should talk with her." He said, his eyebrows squinted slightly.

James nodded, placed a kiss on her temple and got up, leaving the hospital wing. Leta couldn't help but follow him with her eyes, her face softening when she saw James kiss Lily's cheek who waited outside the hospital wing.

"Get a grip Leta." She muttered to herself, gritting between her teeth which caught the attention of the matron. "Is everything okay dear?" Madam Pomfrey asked with a sweet smile. Leta nodded her head before glancing back at the door which was now empty.

"Merlin's beard! What happened to you?" Minette asked, rushing to her sister who had small cuts on her cheek. "Did you not watch my Quidditch game?" Leta asked with a furrowed, offended face.

"I don't watch Quidditch. I'm not a child." She said prudently, her nose up in the air. Leta scowled for a second before rolling her eyes and walking off to her room.

Leta and James had been sneaking around the castle the entire week, exploring each part together. Leta says she invites him so she won't be lonely but in truth she just wanted to blame it on him if they were caught.

The walked around the first floor of the school when James tried to walk through a door, Leta stopping. "I'm not going in there. Morning Myrtle haunts the girls toilets." She whispered to the boy who which echoed through the empty halls.

"She haunts the toilet?" James repeated in a curious and confused tone with an eyebrow raised. "Yes. It's been out of order for months because she keeps flooding the place." Leta complained as the boy edged closer to the door.

Suddenly a portly ghost appeared. He wore a large grin and a bright orange hat with a bow-tie unlike all the other ghosts who were pale and transparent.

"You were talking out poor Myrtle." Said Peeves, his eyes glistening with mischief. "I didn't mean it-"

"Oy! Myrtle!" The poltergeist called, watching as a squat ghost girl had glided through the door and out into the dark hallway.

"What?" She asked sulkily, her dark hair covering her pearly spectacles. "Miss Lestrange was just talking about you-" He whispered into her eye slyly. "Just saying- saying - how nice you look." Leta stuttered.

Myrtle eyed her suspiciously. "You're making fun of me," She said with silver tears swelling up in her small, see-through eyes.

"No- honestly I didn't-"

"Don't lie to me." She gasped, tears now flooding down her face while Peeves chuckled behind her shoulder. "D'you think what's people say behind my back? Fat Myrtle! Ugly Myrtle! Miserable, morning, moping Myrtle!"

"You missed out 'spotty'." Peeves hissed into her ear. Morning Myrtle bursted into sobs which filled up the dim corridors. She then rushed back to the toilets, Peeves behind her shouting, "Spotty! Spotty!"

"Oh dear," Leta whispered to herself as the sound of her cries were muffled by the wooden door. "Don't you mean, 'Oh deer'?" James chuckled, walking back over to the girl who looked at him with confusion. "You wouldn't get it."

They continued walking around the hallways until they came to a small door off the entrance hall on the the ground floor. On the front was a plaque which had faded over the years of how much stuff people had thrown at it.

It was the office you never wanted to be in, Argus Filch's office. It was lit with a single oil lamp and covered with shelves of items he had taken from the students.

"Why are you going in there?" Leta whispered to the boy who began to pushed open the office. It was empty because Filch didn't sleep at night, he was like a vampire and strolled around the castle instead of going to bed.

"He took my map." He whispered back before stepping in, holding it open for the Slytherin to get in. He then began scanning each shelf until he found his precious map however Leta's attention went to a small letter on the desk.

She picked it up and pulled a letter out of a faded envelope. She pulled the first part up to see the title, 'Kwikspell' which made her eyes widened in fascination.

"What's that?" James asked, finally finding his map and looking at the letter she put down. "Filch is a Squib!" She exclaimed excitedly with wide eyes.

"That's probably why he hates students so much!" James shouted making Leta cover his mouth. "He is bitter." She whispered as she slowly removed her wand. "It makes sense. Have you ever seen Filch do magic?" Leta asked with a shrug of her shoulders as the boy shrugged.

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