Chapter Four

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"You want to help me get my ship back? But what about you getting home?"

"Cynthia said it may take time to find any information about how I could get back home and you could probably use some help to get your ship back. Unless you think you can take on your whole crew and first mate by yourself."

"Thea you do realize that it will be very dangerous. They are rowdy pirates and not all of them agreed with my no-killing rule."

"I know but we know the possible direction your ship is if you wait you may lose your chance and I don't want to be the reason you lose your ship."

"Okay, as long as you are sure about this I don't want you to feel like you have to."

"I want to you don't have to help me get home but you are so I am going to help you."

"Well then let's set sail." We head to the deck and Wesley begins to run around the ship to get things ready to set sail. After a few minutes, the ship pulls away from the harbor and into the open sea. "You want to learn to sail?" Wesley calls out to me as I stand at the bow of the ship.

"You want to teach me to sail?"

"Aye, you look the part of a pirate but every pirate needs to be able to sail a ship, otherwise they aren't much of a pirate."

"But I'm not really a pirate."

"Maybe you weren't this morning when you appeared here but you are now at least until we can get you home."

"Alright then teach me, I don't want to be a lousy pirate." I come to stand next to Wesley at the helm of the ship where he is carving something into the wood.

"So the left side of the ship is called port and the right side is starboard." He begins explaining the basic anatomy of a pirate ship and what it would be like on a larger one like his ship as the one we stole was just a small one. After a while, I start to get the hang of it and Wesly lets me sail the ship by myself. Though he doesn't stray far in case he would need to take over for any reason.

"Alright, I have to admit that this is pretty cool, it's a lot better than driving a car."

"What is a car?"

"It is a mode of transportation where I am from kinda like carriages but they have engines and can go pretty fast, but pretty much everyone has one and the roads are crazy especially when people who don't really know how to drive are on the roads."

"Your world sounds intriguing."

"It certainly is different compared to here." We sail east for a while until it begins getting dark and the two of us are starting to get tired. As we are dropping the anchor I notice what appears to be a statue off in the distance. "Hey Wesely, what is that statue?" he looks in the direction I am pointing.

"That is the statue of a pegasus, people hunted them for the feathers on their wings and now nobody ever sees one so we figured they went extinct. The Statue was put up to honor them and to apologize to the Gods in hopes that one day they will bring them back." We begin walking across the ship to the rooms.

"Do people really think that gods and goddesses are responsible for everything?"

"Aye they do, many have claimed to have seen them before, at least those of the older generations. It has been many years since they last visited earth. Because of that, some believe that they left us after the pegasus' were destroyed."

"Wow. To think in the world where Pegasuses are real I still will never be able to see them because they are extinct."

"Yeah well, we should get some rest. We have a long day of sailing ahead of us. You can have the captain's quarters if you would like." We stop just outside the door to the captain's quarters.

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