6: I'm the Ladies Girl... Older Women, apparently.

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Involuntarily, I scrunched up my face and then released, trying to regain calm. 

Deep breaths.

"Fine. Frames, Jingle Belle, Olaf, Sven, Annabelle and Nice Girl. Wild Coast High-"

"Can we stop with the nicknames already!?! It's getting annoying."

"Do I look like I know your names?" I retorted.

"Did you ask?" Okay, got to admit, that was good.

"Oooh," I stepped up to her, "what gave away that I cared as much to ask?"

"If you had the decency to ask-"

"If you had half the decency I had, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now." I glared right into Annabelle's eyes. She tried to put up a good front. Well, as a professional glarealist, I'd say it was a 2/10. It must be flattering to her, because others haven't been able to cross the 1 mark. Obviously I won.

"You know what, I'll read it up on the website..." Frames muttered. Couldn't you have done that before

One of the annoying triplets (I forgot to mention there were triplets. Wasn't one person enough?) made his way between us, and went smooth-talker Doodittly doo- "Calm down, girls, we shouldn't be fighting~'' Take one look at that impish face and you know he was troublemaker with a capital T. Ironic. And a Hypocrite. Oooh, good point, I should probably add that when I'm criticizing him.

I gave him a 68 degrees (Fahrenheit, that's 20 degrees C, I think) cold glare, I guessed that was enough to give him hypothermia.

And I guessed right.

He flinched- people like him tend to show little of what they're feeling at the moment if it's a negative feeling, like my Cold Glare. So when he's flinching, he's having a one-on-one session with Antarctica.

"Never tell an angry girl to calm down." I spoke, holding myself together. Annabelle did the agreeing harrumph.

"Okay, I'll go first." A tall, light-haired dude with muscles broke in. Oh boy, he's a rebel because he just broke the stereotype of blondes being dumb... let's face it, the blonds I've faced (cue the twin brats) are dumb and annoying. And they had hair which was dyed blonde! So just imagine if I really met a blonde. Blonds are supposed to be dumb, aren't they?

Chills ran up my spine- those chilly things running up and and giving that telepathic message someone/something bad was coming my way. Let me tell you, listening to all those times my co-worker Annie reading on her shifts when we had no customers- she'd read her books out to me, and I'd listen, because I had nothing had to do and it's fun hearing about brainless heroines not trusting their guts and getting in a boat load of crap later. I strained to hear the huge rumbles by the usual monsters. Footsteps... I think. I can't really hear with the rest of them talking.


I put a finger to his mouth. Shut up. Footsteps, definitely. Boots or heels, I can't say with the rest of these pack animals barking around.

"Shush!" I hissed at them, sending the Elsa Glare. Shut up ASAP.

FYI, Elsa Glare is as cold as Elsa when she's mad- I only saw that part in the mall once the place they kept TVs for sale. Ooooh, never again shall I go to the mall.

I could hear the steps now- definitely not a student because they're supposed to be in classes (when have they ever listened?). Ooof, heels. Firm steps, someone who has been wearing heels for a long time. "Sleek, red, size 7." I could literally feel the wheels turning in my head- like I'm some sort of main detective in a show. Raven Bond 008. I should so change my last name from North. What were my parents thinking?


I fished out 8 all-hall passes from my left pocket I stole from Carlisle once to avoid the detentions. Not enough. I dug deeper- wrapper, keys, 2 detention slips- those hard papers are hard- a lollipop! Sweet! Not the time, Rae.

Right pocket spouted out 4 crumpled passes in a bundle, bill from Taco-yotes, a sugar packet they give with coffee or keep on display as free samples...I always manage to take 5 sachets each time... wallet, and oooh, gummy bears! I dug deeper- oh Grinch, a hole (a small one, a hole nevertheless). Back pocket, don't fail me, now. I passed the 12 passes to Rebel, "one each, pass it around."

"I'll be taking it back later." I told them and glared the Urgent Stern Glare- which said I'm not kidding, this is business.

Back pocket groaned: 20 dollar bill, bill, stage pass, weird crumpled paper, a short short pencil, 3 dimes, 2 nickels, 3 quarters and a penny... weird crumpled paper, I choose you!

Back pockets never fail. Out came a crisp, crumpled all-hall pass. For me!

"What's going on, North?" Random Guy asked, to which I just replied, be dumb, all of you be dumb right now and play along!"

It mustn't be hard for this pack though, I muttered. Annabelle gave me a pointed glare. Pointy, point. Ouch.

Click. Click. Click. Click.

The footsteps were becoming louder and clearer. And tadah, the high-heeler clicked around the corner and swung into view. Dayum. That's what I'm supposed to say when I'm not surprised, isn't it? Excuse me for not keeping up with crazy teenager terms, I can earn money while they goof around. Bucks are everything.

"Morning, Ms Hurst!" I greeted, my voice oozing with what was supposed to be enthusiasm, but I think she thought it was sarcasm. Meet Ruth Hurst- the president of my fanclub that hates me. Hate Club. She, quite unfortunately, is still teaching at this school. Pretty much everyone of Wild Coast High knows the deal between both of us. She'd give me bad grades, I'd report her. I used to prank her (her reactions were hilarious) she'd report me. Over time, I stopped, except for the occasional rudeness and the often dreaming in her class. She is still sniffing ways out to get me in trouble.

"You're up to something." Ooooh, nice shot, Miss Marple. "Whatever did I do to make you think so highly of me?" I said in my nicest voice.

"Are you mocking me?" She thought I was taunting her. What a surprise. I would've loved to, but my day has just been awful- Starting from got-to-buy-a-new-alarm-clock-to-replace-my-crushed-one to dealing with the bratty McBrats, and then babysitting homeless raccoons and showing them around the cage.

"Of course not." Shoo away, enthusiasm. You've been of no help. I still have to deal with her crap.

"You have that glint in your eye. I know you're upto something."

"Hey, isn't that what the heroine of the story always says about the male love interest? 'Specks of gold in his eyes'?" Annie, I love you and your stupid romance books. "Sorry, not interested in women older than me by decades." Wow. I called her old, and I rejected her! I'm just awesome.

She went angry red at first then she grinned like those hyenas- Scar's lackeys, you know whom I'm talking about. Psychopath laugh, ladies, and gentlemen.

A/N: Recently came to know 1000 words is not a chapter, 3000-4000 words is. So, slower updates, longer chapters!

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