Chapter 1

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Chapter One

This story is written in Louis POV unless otherwise noted!

Another lazy morning, another busy afternoon, another night of fatigue. The same set, with the same people, working on the same movie. Every day is the same, and although I have no place to complain of my privileged existence, I still find a way to make room for the downsides of life as a celebrity.

During my much needed lunch breaks, I tend to wind up at one of the local parks near set. It's in the far stretch of England, and although it's not as visually pleasant as the other more well known parks in England, the only
people that tend to appear there are elderly, leaving me perfectly undercover. I feel quite a connection with this one tree in the park, a beautiful Willow Tree that's looked exactly the same as the first day I arrived. Barely any change during the harsh seasons, little to no leaf droppage, just a perfect place to sit underneath with a book of my choosing.

I tend to make it through one complex book a month, being that reading is the only true way to escape my preoccupied schedule. This month, a rather beautiful poem by William Shakespere, "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?". As I approached my familiar spot, a quite beautiful girl was sitting there, reading.

"Excuse me, erm, this is... well... I like to sit here and read on my lunch breaks."

"Well, you're welcome to join me sir, but I will have you know that there are plenty of other trees in this park."

"Yes, but, this tree, this one right here... this one in particular, its um-"

"A special tree?"

"A special tree."

I hope she couldn't hear my heart pounding in my chest, she really was beautiful. The complexity of the curl pattern in her hair, the wavy then curly, the blonde and the exact brown that matched her eyes and the freckles across her nose.

"Like I said, you're welcome to join me. This happens to not be just your special tree, the very few others that appear in this facility have also noticed the difference between this tree and the others surrounding it. It almost seems like this tree in particular isn't a real tree. Have you ever noticed?"

"Notice um, what exactly?"

"The way the leaves never change, the way the sun never seems to peek through the branches, the way you can never be out of the shade. Have you um... noticed?

    "Yes actually, I have. If you, don't mind me asking um, what is your name?"

    "Kamaka, Kamaka Moore."

Kamaka, what a beautiful name. Unique, like her curls, and the way she crosses her legs when she sits. Not the traditional way in which others tend to sit, but, with one leg flat and the other crossed over it, knee bent. Quite untraditional.

    "Well are you going to make me ask for your name? I figured it's common courtesy to just introduce yourself after another tells you their name."

    "It's Louis. Louis Partridge."

"Well Louis, it's been a pleasure meeting you. Since this tree seems to be of importance to you, I'll leave you be. If you would like to know, "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?" is quite a bore. Sappy, unrealistic, a classic love story if you ask me. However, if you're into that kind of thing, carry on."

I watched the way her pink cardigan flowed in the wind as she stood up, the way she gently brushed off her white pleated skirt, and the way she walked off. She walked with her feet pointed inwards, her sneakers dirty but not creased.   

I now lay in my bed reminiscing about my interaction with her, Kamaka, I mean. I've never been able to keep my thoughts running long enough to fall asleep after ten, I'm always quite tired from long days at work. Tonight however, I lay tossing and turning, unable to shut my eyes. Although I probably didn't seem like much to her, I can't get her out of my thoughts. I hope fate allows us to cross paths once more, and... I hope she feels the same.

AUTHORS NOTE: How did you like the first chapter? When do you think the teens will cross paths once more? Discussion box here!

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