Dear fred, love george

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Dear Fred,

How are you doing? Do you miss us? Is it better where you are? If I had one wish, only one, would be to switch places with you. I wish that this was all just another prank we would be pulling on mum and dad. I'm writing this is my room as your probably guessing....I just can't go outside, because if I do...they might see you. I can't cause anymore pain they have been out through...I know it won't make it any better if I'm not there with them, but I'm not sure what else to do without you. Maybe this is all just one giant dream....except...I haven't woken up yet. Neither has Ginny, Ron, Percy, Bill, Charlie, Mom, or Dad. Please wake me up....I beg you, have too. My other half is missing and it's harder when you look and the mirror and all you see is him you know? Heh, I'm trying so hard to fight back these tears....maybe I'll be able to pull through and don't make to much noise. Wouldn't want to wake up mum with my emotions that are overflowing my heart. Thanks for...possibly reading this letter, and.....I love you Freddie.

~Love George

(Side note, sorry this one was super short it is my first after all but I assure you the next letters will be much longer)

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