Chapter 1

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POV Ms. Davis

' Professor Davis, I thought you would take the summer batches, pity you going to meditate with the monks' , Fat Anna Becky said snidely. There was something about her so disgusting, so inherently troublesome, that the whole staff of Hanston High preferred to avoid her. The janitor was always gibbering that she was too much of a clean freak, when whole of the staff knew her table was the most unhygienic place ever. Her attitude of thinking laws were applicable for everyone except her made her less likeable, I think.

I laughed off her thoughtless comment. All classes had to be taken by her, which she was unhappy about, hence she had developed a newfound hate about me.


And the year was over. How quick does a year pass by, most times in a blink of an eye. This year, as the Maths teacher, I met a few brilliant minds who needed a push, some geniuses in the skins of teenagers, but overall, this year was miraculously enjoyable. I'd blame the weather for making the last day more miserable I guess. Groups of students started gushing into the already humid and stinky staff room, and I tried to eye for an escape.

'Professor Davis, you were the best professor ever. I'd have failed, if it weren't for you.' a blonde boy named Ethan muttered. He probably was speaking more, but it was my uninterested brain which skipped hearing it. A girl behind him started telling that she was going to spend her vacation in Hawaii, in her parents' giant mansion. This conversation went on forever. I think they wanted something from me, but they were so frantic that they didn't ask for it.

I slipped out of the stinky staff room, into the staff parking, and into my car. I checked my phone. There were uncountable messages, and seeing them just made me irritated, so I decided to drive home and just check them while eating a carton of ice cream.

This teaching job wasn't the best in the available ones, but it was something I always wanted to do. I had a degree in Engineering, but my goal was to come back to Hanston High and teach Maths. Voilà ! The Maths professor just retired and handed me the beacon. Now five years later, I think I'm living a satisfactory life, for I am pursuing what I always wanted to.


I reached my apartment and scurried towards my bedroom. I took the key from my purse and opened my safe skilfully. Inside was the book I was going half across the world, to Tibet. The school library hoists a large collection of books, but this one, it's existence shocked me. It told the story about a kingdom located between the nations of China and Nepal, named Rabilina. Well, the book had a whole history of it, including a map of the kingdom, the heirloom, the estimated riches it has and how to access it. I read it five times before I could process that there could be a secret kingdom, in between two nations. Apart from that, it had proofs for controversial theories that should not be spoken allowed in public, better to keep it in a vault rather than being arrested for the same. The book seems to be handwritten, as if it is a journal. 


Birdie entered my house without knocking, and I literally freaked out. Apparently he was asking me what he should carry and what not for the trip, though I had told that to him a month ago. At times, he acts extremely stupid. He ought to remember we are going just for a vacation, so we wouldn't require swords and axes. Now only that was remaining was just a good nights rest.

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