Chapter 3

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I woke up in an ocean of sweat, probably because of a traumatic dream or a nightmare, only to realise I was in an unrecognisable dungeon which was dimly lit.

A young lady, barely out of her teens was standing next to me, staring at me with her piercing gaze, and though her eyes were of the most beautiful shade of green I had ever seen, they were fearsome . She seemed taller than me, probably by a few inches, and had chestnut brown hair that accentuated her pale skin and sharp features. Also, she wore flowers in her hair, which was astounding and in contrast to her non endearing aura.

"You are awake at the perfect time, Miss or is it Mrs?" She spoke in breathy voice, and with a strange dialect to her English, which distinguished her as not being a native speaker.

"Miss." I tried to say with a gentle smile. As I was coming back to my senses, I realised that the dungeon was much smaller than I had perceived. There was only one tiny foot long door out and barely a window which was half sealed. The generally joyous yellow added no charm to this room though it was painted yellow from the top to the bottom.

"Miss, you have been summoned by the judiciary in ten minutes. I feel it would be great if you would eat up all the bean cakes and the apricot porridge at the earliest. I have been given the task of escorting you to the podium, so it would be great if you hurried. " She emphasized on the word great so greatly that she created chains of obligation around me. "Where am I?""The guards found you and your comrade wounded near river Ephyx." "And what about my comrade? Where is he?""It'd be better if you start worrying for your life, Miss." Such a beautiful voice and such ugly words. What made her that way?She set up a tray on a table that was a foot away and I rushed towards it, nearly banging my head to the ceiling which was closer to my head than I expected. I started eating it as fast as I could. However weird bean cakes may sound, they tasted too good to be true. The apricot porridge was fulfilling and I devoured them as fast as I could to avoid conversation with that lady.

" Why am I being taken to the judiciary?" I asked her as I was having my second last morsel ." You infiltrated out boundaries and you have valuable articles found which make you hard to classify as a friend or foe.""And where are my belongings?" I was bewildered by her vagueness. "You should ask me better questions like how will the judiciary function and how can I get out of this mess." This lady was certainly infuriating with her no nonsense attitude."Now that you have bought up the topic, would you mind answering?" She was getting on my nerves. She was confident and terrifying, and I was trying my best not to let her intimidating image to get in my personal space, not at a time like this especially." The judiciary in our country has a podium where the accused person is positioned and asked questions from dignified leaders of our country of variable ranks, depending upon the crime accused. They ask you questions, and the judge decides whether your answer is satisfactory or not. If it isn't, the person who asked you the question gets to decide the punishment.""And what rank will be the leaders from, for my session?" I asked as I filled my mouth with the last bean cake."The princess and commander of combined forces will preside your session, so you might get to know the depth of your crime now that you have committed. Also, I advise you to speak the truth confidently, because if you stutter, you'd certainly die. And I need you-----" the lady's sentence was interrupted by the swinging of the door and a heavily armoured man entered the tiny roomed. How he entered was questionable, as the height of the room barely was six feet.

"Are you Miss. Tracy?" He had a cool voice, not very confident but dutiful. His face was barely visible under the armour, but out of what was visible, I figured out that he had similar features to the lady next to me."Yes.""Put this around your eyes. Lady Kora will guide you to the court. Any questionable action will result in certain death. We have searched you for weapons, but if you have any, please drop them right now. You are heavily guarded, so please stay within your limits. " He said handing me a blindfold, which the stern woman named Lady Kora tied.

In what way was was I so dangerous. What had happened yesterday? Which choice made me land in a prison cell? My memories seemed to have been played with. The last thing I remembered was sitting on the bank of a river bawling my eyes out with a lot of blood and flesh around me. What had I done?

I was taken out of that room which was probably a prison cell, but for prisoners whose crimes aren't confirmed. Lady Kora was guiding me and after five minutes she came to an halt. The place we were at was very breezy and smelt of mud, and blood. She pushed me into a chair and tied my legs to chains. The touch felt different this time though. My senses were awakened and I was busy hearing the murmur in that room. A weird tingling sensation occurred in my dry throat. I was being watched by a hundred eyes. Their scrutinizing gaze pierced through me.

"Honourable ladies and gentlemen, we are here for the trial of #3790, so I expect you all to maintain silence and let me further attend to my role as a court disciplinarian. This case will be conducted in English, as the accused is unfamiliar with Ramilius." The sensation of a new voice felt uneasy at this moment, but I was all but ears. He said it generously and in such a way that he had everyone's attention in a few moments.

I was frightened, the cold iron chains were piercing into her skin and the smell of blood had started to become apparent, which gave me a feeling of nausea. The floor was rough and for some reason, my boots had been taken off. "#3790 is here because of the following crimes she has committed- infiltrating boundaries, having no Ramilian documents, entering the restricted region of the country and these crimes are minor in comparison to what was found in possession of her. " There were mild gasps heard as if I had committed something unspeakable. The surprising thing was they all spoke English fluently."Yes, my beloved ladies and gentlemen, the Queen's Privilege has been found with her. " There were again whispers, but whisper was an understatement for what they were doing. "Could you explain, Miss?" The man stopped and took a deep breath and continued, "Also, a diary was also found in your possession which contained potentially harmful material. With all of these crimes listed against you, you are an AAA- level criminal according to the 13th Amendment of the Ramilian judiciary laws. I would like to know how did you enter Ramilia, first."

It sounded much like an order now. I needed to give a satisfactory answer.

"You appear to come from a land beyond the Partio ranges. Our scholars interpret you to have come from the western part. I will be frank my lady, why did you choose to come here, when it did not concern you?" A voice reached my left ear, and it certainly wasn't as the benevolent voice of the disciplinarian nor the pleasant voice of Lady Kora. It seemed to be of a man in his later part of life, and really irksome in a way."I had a diary......that stated about your kingdom....and I choose to enter it.... it's not much. I am not a spy, to be clear. " I paused. Neither was I being convincing nor was my answer acceptable, but I was not at fault as my memory had been badly tampered. "So would a spy say." The old man quickly said. There was a grunt of agreement from the crowd."To be honest, there isn't a specific reason why I came. The strings of fate played in such a way that I found myself here. I am a teacher in the other part of the world, and I found an anonymous diary whose hints I followed.""Playing the victim, huh?" The voice paused and gave a pitiful laugh. "You should have known the consequences before you got yourself in this. Like an imbecile you've behaved. And how did you get the crown, which we had toiled to get back for months? There is certainly something fishy about you. Your majesty, I ask for death punishment for her." Wasn't the judge supposed to think of the appeals of the jury."What? You can't kill me with such insufficient information. You don't know anything about me, and declare me as a spy?" I shouted at the top of me lungs. My survival instinct had kicked in. I wanted to live, for the first time. That's why they say, when you put a man who wants to die in a sea, he will clung to the smallest stick, the smallest possible hope. But my newfound confidence came with great fear and dread, and indeed how selfish I was, I had bought Birdie to a death trip. Even if I die, he shouldn't have the same fate as me because of my stubborn choices. Why did I choose to do this all? The answer was simple. I never knew why. "I want to live." A small tear rolled down my cheek.

Hey y'all :)

Sorry for a long chapter this week, next week I will keep it lighter;0
Anyways if you have any suggestions/ideas to give, feel free to comment. 
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