An explaination

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I wake up to distinct voices in my room
"We have to wake her"
"Let her sleep,she will be up your ass and annoyed at you all day if you do!"the other person whispers

"I thought I said whoever woke me,I would throw them to the next state I could think of"I say,rubbing my eyes "now I'm gonna shove my claws down you throat if you don't leave,so get out and leave before I drag you all out"I say looking at the three boys that stand in my room
"You are so much like Derek I tell ya"stiles mumbled
Derek chuckles and leaves my room while shutting the door
"I just want to be like a normal teenager"i sigh

I got up and got dressed while looking at the one photo I had of my family
I loved everyone I had

I started crying and throwing everything In my room i could find,I found a photo frame of me and my boyfriend well ex boyfriend now and I threw it as hard a I could,feeling my eyes turn colour,my claws coming out and my teeth seeping through my gums

I couldn't control myself
I looked in the mirror and saw my bright purple eyes,I couldn't stop until I did something,I grabbed my razor blade and sliced it against my wrists,I felt relieved and in pain at the same time.
I slide down the wall  of my bathroom while locking the door and crying "you worthless piece of shit,no wonder why Kate killed your family,your a monster"I screamed to myself while bringing the blade closer to my wrists again
I then started to throw more stuff around my room


I was working out until a pain on my wrist started,I looked down to see it turn red
Then I heard her voice "you worthless piece of shit,no wonder why Kate killed your family,your a monster"i hear her scream
I finally realised what she was doing,I grabbed my jacket and rushed over to her house
I heard glass smashing and things being thrown,I walked over to her house and crawled in through her window to find her throwing things and saying bad things about herself
"Hey hey....hey it's ok what's wrong"I rushed over to her and putting my arms around her
She then returned the hug and starts to turn away "look at me"I say "I can't" she says
I lifted her head up and she closes her eyes
"I promise you that I won't do anything now look at me"I say sternly,she slowly opens her eyes to reveal these beautiful bright purple eyes  she then closed them again with her long lashes blocking them

"What?how are they that colour?"I ask,she chuckled "I knew you would say that"she speaks


"You might wanna sit down,I'll explain while I clean up my room"I say,looking around until I realised what I've done

"So when I was 12 my parents and I were walking in the woods me and my sister were the closest we could've been
The Kate Argent came along and killed my whole family,she wanted something of my parents and I didn't know what,until I found out she was trying to have sex with my step brother,Henry,and she didn't get what she wanted so she killed them,I was furious after so I started beating her until she passed out,I ran away to my aunts house,I went to school and I was bullied and always called the fatter sister and I was tired of it,I started to stop eating,I had the most worst experience of high school ever so I started cutting,I hoped that since I was a werewolf I would heal quicker but I didn't I was left with scars,I did it to myself which made it not heal properly so it left scars
And this morning I looked at a photo of my parents and sister on the wall so I lost control and threw everything that I could get to" I say wiping the tears that formed in my eyes
He wraps his muscular arms around my body

"I'm sorry that you went through that,Kate argent set my house on fire and killed my family the only survivors were my uncle who is in a coma and my sister just died a few weeks ago"he says "I'm sorry" I said

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