Prologue Part 2

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There were a lot of people here, I'm not trying to count them, my mind is focused on something else right now

Jamie: Huh? Are you the people who kidnapped me!?

???: Dude chill out! We're in the same situation as you, so we're friendly

Jamie: All of you?

???: Yes, all of us

???: That makes 16

Jamie: What?

???: 16, it sounds like a good number of people, I doubt there's more

Jamie: What makes you so sure?

???: ...

[He's just staring at me with no intention of answering]

Jamie: Okay... weird...

Jamie: So.. where in the hell are we?

???: That's what we're trying to figure out

???: M-maybe we should i-introduce ourselves?

Jamie: Yeah, if we're stuck here together I want to know your names at least

Everyone split off into little groups while I went over to two people, I decided to talk to the boy first

Jamie: Hey there, I'm Jamie Katsuki, what about you?

???: Oh me? I'm Yutaka Natsuko, good to meet ya

Jamie: So do you have any clue where we are or why we're here?

Yutaka: No unfortunately I don't but there is something a little weird that happened to me

Jamie: Something weird?

Yutaka: The last time I was awake I was heading to school but it's weird because my school has a uniform, I remember I put it on this morning

Jamie: Okay, so did mine but how is that weird?

Yutaka: I mean look at me! Does this look like a uniform to you?

Right now he was wearing a dark bluish hoodie with his hood up, his shirt was dark green with a red pattern underneath, he wore jeans and grey running shoes, that definitely doesn't look like a uniform

Right now he was wearing a dark bluish hoodie with his hood up, his shirt was dark green with a red pattern underneath, he wore jeans and grey running shoes, that definitely doesn't look like a uniform

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Jamie: If he put on his uniform this morning and so did I that means...

???: Excuse me, may we hurry this along? We must introduce ourselves to everyone before we chat

Jamie: Oh yeah right..

Jamie: Alright then, what's your name?

???: My name is Rai Amami, it's nice to meet you

Jamie: So Rai, do you have any idea what's up with all this?

Rai: No but it might be better to meet everyone and ask everyone at the same time

Jamie: Yeah you're right, that's the best thing to do

I introduced myself to everyone in their little groups, counting eight guys including me and eight girls

The boys are Yutaka Natsuko, Alex Kazutaka, Hayata Azuma, Kiyozawa Akito, Iwata Hotaka, Shiba Shinji, Hori Minoru and me, Jamie Katsuki

The girls are Rai Amami, Sona and Sai Yumiko, Akano Hiromi, Funai Eiko, Sone Kyou, Sasaki Isamu, Noda Chiyo

//Im sorry but I really didnt want to describe everything these characters look like- but maybe I'll draw them soon-//

And that's everyone, everyone in here, including me makes 16 of us

Everyone was talking I could barely hear myself over the noise

Jamie: Everyone! I have a question I'd like to ask you all!

Everyone's attention was directed at me

Jamie: Do any of you remember anything at all before we got here?

No one said anything so I assumed it was a no

Alex: Only thing I can remember is going to school, nothing else

Funai: So we all lost out memories and got kidnapped? Is that what you're saying?

Jamie: Well that seems like the only solution...

Kiyozawa: So we got fuckin' kidnapped, wanna tell me something I don't know?

Jamie: I hate this guy already...

Suddenly, a voice came from all around us, it was way too out of place in this atmosphere , it was a high voice, higher than any I've ever heard, honestly it reminds me of a fork scratching a plate, I'll hate this voice in no time at all

???: Hello! Testing, testing, 1, 2, 1, 2!

This voice gave me chills down my spine

???: Alrighty then! Let's get this show on the road!

My body was tense, I had never felt this way in my life, I was extremely scared

Everyone looked around, including me, to try find the source of this out of place voice, but before we knew it... A black and white bear jumped out in front of all of us...

I'm sure everyone was asking "is this some kind of joke?" But the way I felt.. this didn't feel right one bit

???: Greetings! My name is headmaster Monokuma! Welcome to Suichū Academy!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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