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Darcy never expected how that interview went. That guy was unbelievable! She thought, how can someone so rude and arrogant be in one person—suddenly a familiarity came across her mind. She shook her head, No, I am not going to let another Val Rossini ruin my life anymore.

Darcy Shannon, became the CEO of her own matchmaking company. She was driven and focused for the past few years. Since the day she bought the company with the help of her co-owner and friend, Leo Humphrey, she knew for herself that she was destined for this. No one deserves to be in a mismatched algorithm, no one deserves to be in an empty love, to which she truly believes now.

She never thought being popular and be known to be “the modern fairy godmother” was a lot more pressure than being the matched one. She showcases only the best matches and never had she failed any of them, and that is what she had been upholding until this lowkey business tycoon showed up.

“You know you can never take it back what you’ve just announced on national television” Cara, her assistant, stressed it out.

Trying to walk composed back to her mini van, “rest assured it’s fine Cara,” she went inside her sophisticated leathery automobile and sat comfortably, “let’s just hope he shows up at office tomorrow.”

Or else, the failure to find him a soul mate would be so humiliating. She sadly thought.
It was just like the first time he signed up, Val was having the same feeling as he was checking Darcy’s Matchmaking site.

“Nervous?” Dax interrupted Val’s deep thoughts, “Don’t tell me you’re falling for her trap again?”

Val immediately turned the tabs down and pretended to work. “What?” he chuckled, “that’s insane. And besides we have a lot to discuss about work rather than—”

“—meeting the love of your life once again?” Dax continued then laughed at his friend. But then Dax suddenly noticed how Val’s face shifted seriously, “oh no.. Val, how many times are you going to let yourself hurt over this Darcy Shannon.”

“She was my wife.” He said intensely.

“and now she’s not. You have to move on pal, look at her. Yes, I admit she bloomed gracefully. But obviously she doesn’t need you anymore, she’s rich man, she is a fucking CEO.” Val exclaimed.

The brutal thought came across his mind again, she used him, that’s what he has always thought about her. Everything about Darcy was a lie, he thought Darcy loved him. He was just taking his time validating himself about his feelings for her but she still chose him—Leo Humphrey.

Val spent almost entire day occupied in work, business meetings, presentations and agendas. But he can’t stop thinking about Darcy’s challenge and the chance to finally meet her again. But he shook his head and erased all the thoughts.

Who am I kidding? Dax was right it wasn’t her anymore, Val thought.

Later that evening, Val drove home to his penthouse he’d bought recently at Manhattan. It was a bachelor pad, an easy stay in and out for every woman he’d ever meet across town. He was starting to enjoy his single life again after Darcy left, it wasn’t easy at first but he endured just for the sake to get rid of his broken heart and sworn to never ever be in a serious relationship again, until now.

For the past few years, he suddenly felt alone and worst, lonely.

He went for a shower at his dark marbled bathroom, and after went to get himself some dinner as he managed to cook for himself now. He paced to his industrial themed black granite kitchen and surveyed the pantry and took some good old pasta.

While waiting for his pasta to boil, his phone rung, it was Dax.

“Hey, go check my channel ASAP.” Dax hurriedly spoke.

Val immediately opened his television and there it was again, the woman who made him who he was now, the modern fairy godmother, Darcy.

Her video clip from a skype interview flashes on his big LED screen, her beautiful charming face lit up Val’s place, but…

“He was a no-show guys, I didn’t expected Mr. lowkey business tycoon would not take it seriously along with his accusations last night.” Darcy was mocking a smile, “But I do really wish I could help him, he is certainly is in a big single trouble right now. Alone in his man cave or maybe cuddling into some fake love. Whoever you are sir, I feel sorry that it didn’t work out on you, but please if you ever change your mind just sign up my offer is still open. Prove to me that my matchmaking is nonsense then I shall take my company down”

Val had enough, clenching his fist and while his friend was still on the phone, as hot as his boiling pasta behind him unattended, he was certain… “I’m signing up, Dax. It’s payback time.”

Darcy was certain, she knew that a guy as arrogant as Mr. Lowkey Business Tycoon would totally not risk his self-entitled playboy status for someone as good as her. The testimonies all around the internet world had given remarkable reviews about her excellence in her line of business.

Cara called her via skype, “Your interview went viral Miss Darcy, everyone was outrage of what that Arrogant Man did. This is insane you just hit a hundred views” Cara excitedly said.

“See? I told you everything will be just fine”

When suddenly a notification popped on her computer, Darcy checked on it and to her surprised it was him, Mr. Lowkey Business Tycoon as what he suggested to his name as he signed up for a matchmaking service...

“Bloody—fuck” she gasped. She knew she’s fucked. She has the sense that Mr. Lowkey Business Tycoon could be the end of her career, following is a tweet from entertainment news quoting…

“Reality? Or Fairytale? Who will win? Mr. Lowkey Business Tycoon just signed up to E-Marriage Matchmaking Services.” Darcy read the tweet. Suddenly a lot of retweets and comments from social media wanting to sign up especially ladies, hoping that they could get a chance to be matched with this new blind item celebrity.

Darcy instantly messaged his notification, “Finally Mister…you should have signed with your real name instead.” Then without as second, he replied, “let’s just say I wanted a little mystery. See you then Ms. Darcy Shannon.”
                E-Marriage is located in a prestigious three-story building in upper east Manhattan. The elegant and sophisticated logo on the door made it look legit and exactly shows how their clients are not just ordinary but are high class executives and entrepreneurs.

                Nervously tapping her pen on her desk, Darcy can’t help but glancing over her clock every now and then. “What now? Is he coming??” Cara went inside her office eager to hear about this new talk of the town.

“I don’t know, he’s already behind schedule… maybe he is indeed a no show after all.” But deep inside Darcy she knew there is something about this mystery man that made her anxious about.

Suddenly her intercom rung and her receptionist spoke, “A client is here to see you Miss Shannon.” Out of excitement Cara couldn’t help but shrieked, “Oh my Gosh, he’s here I have to record it, this could go viral”

“I’m coming right out” Darcy answered smoothly trying her best to put herself together.

Why am I feeling like I’m losing my breath, why am I feeling a little bit edgy, Darcy thought as she confidently walked towards the conference room to meet this guy who might or might not turn down her career.

                “This way Ma’am, “her receptionist guided her through the room and for an instance familiarity filled the entire room.

                “Val?” she gasped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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