March 8th, 2013

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"Your saying Alice wanted to go bike riding with her friends?" Detective Gram asked the distressed mother, who was sobbing at the table.

"Yes! I should've never let her go! Oh my only child is missing!" Her mother, Lea Rain, sobbed. Her husband, John Rain, took over.

"She was wanting to go on a bike route with them, since it was the weekend, we let her go, but when she didn't come home by her curfew, as she always did, I started to worry." John Stated, trying to keep his cool.

"And that's when you called the police?" Detective Gram questioned.

"Me and Lea waited for her for another hour before calling, as we didn't wanna panic immediately." John said, holding Leas hand.

"I see.. well, we have a search party out looking for her, we will update you as much as we can." Detective John stated, and they left to room.

~* Two hours later *~
Alice Rain was all over the news, as she was not yet found. With her parents panicking, and her friends worrying, hoping she was found and brought home safe, sadly, that would not be the case.

911: 911 what's your emergency?
Caller: I think I just heard gunshots in the woods behind my house.
911: gunshots?
Called: Yes M'am *bang* and there's another one.
911: We are sending someone out there to check things out, what's your name?
Caller: Michel, Michel Davis.
911: Okay Michel, police are on the way, stay in your house, just in case.
Caller: I ain't goin anywhere *bang* and there it goes again. I- HOLY SH*T
911: Sir?
Caller: I just heard a scream, it was really loud, it sounds like someone screaming for help. Oh my god..
911: Does it sound like a Male or Female?
Caller: it sounds like a young girl, * screams are heard in the background* Holy-
911: Help is on the way sir.
Caller: please hurry, I have kids hiding upstairs with my wife, please hurry!
911: they are coming as fast as they can.

After another few minutes, police and ambulances had arrived, they had gone through the woods when they spotted something near Michels house, just a few feet away from the house. There was a body, dirty and bloody. It was a female, police investigate the area while the women was takin to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead. The body was identified as Alice Rain, but the killer was no where to be found.

Alice Rain was shot 6 times. Including one in the chest, and the fatal one being the back of the head. When the crime scene was investigated, Alice rain had been shot in the back of the woods, and was continued to be shot as she ran, eventually leading to her crawling and screaming for help. The killers took off, and left her there to die. That's when the 911 call was made.

The call to the parents was painful. The screams in agony by the mother could make anyone cry. The sobs of the dad trying to keep is cool. It's always hard having to call and say your kid was found dead. The agony they have to go through because of someone's horrible act is heart breaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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