Broken Smiles

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I woke to a soft chuckle coming from right next to me. I jolted up and looked beside me in fear. At first I thought that he was back, he was there in bed with me, even though it was impossible. He was dead. I was breathing heavily, even though I saw a Kami there instead of him. He sat up quickly, grabbing my hands. 

"Are you okay? What happened? D-..." He stopped for a second and looked at me, I had tears streaming down my cheeks. "Did I scare you?" He said quietly with hurt in his eyes. I took in a shaky breath. "N-no. I just, ... had a bad dream is all..." I said the last part quietly, my voice shaking. I sighed and laid back down in my bed, facing him. He gave me a confused look before laying down next to me. We looked at each other for a moment before I remembered why I woke up. 

"Hey, so why were you laughing before I woke up?" I said with a smile. His face turned a light shade of pink. "Oh, uhm, well, no reason..." He said with a shy smile. I giggled at his adorableness and his face turned a to a red color this time. "Are you trying to cosplay as a tomato or something?" I asked laughing. "No!" He said defensively. I laughed again before hearing my alarm go off. I grimaced and sat up. I tapped the screen, making the alarm shut off. 

I turned and tried to stand up, forgetting about my foot. I winced and almost fell. Kaminari stood up, asking if I needed help. "No, I'm fine, I got it." I replied with a sweet smile. I grabbed my phone and went out in the hall to go to my room and get ready for school. I heard a high pitched squeal come from across the hallway. I jumped at the noise. I turned to see Mina run at me practically screaming. "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!" She squealed. "MY SHIP IS SAILING!" I was confused at first, but then heat washed over my cheeks. 

"Oh my God, Mina! No, it's not like that!" I said shaking my hands in front of me, having a slight gay panic. (Slightly he says.) She gave me a look that said she knew something that I didn't. I was still panicking. "It wasn't like that, Mina!" I said with a strain in my voice. "Then what were you two doing, staying in the same room all night, huh?" She said tilting her head to the side. "I stepped on a piece of glass and he patched my foot up, then I fell asleep! I swear, it wasn't like that!" She looked unconvinced, but she shrugged and walked away, grinning. 

Well, shit. I knew that she was going to tell EVERYONE about it, but I was just kind of happy. I smiled as I wobbled to my room. I got dressed and ran to the classroom, barely making it at 10 minutes early. I sighed and walked over to Ochako and Iida, both of them VERY involved in the conversation. I grinned and tapped Ochako on the shoulder. She jumped and whirled around. I giggled and she softened. "Why did you do that?!" She grumbled, she knew that I knew she had a crush on Iida. 

I shrugged and sat down at my seat beside hers. Iida smiled at me and sat down on the other side Ochako. I looked up to see Mina whispering with Momo, Todoroki, and Sero. I groaned as they all looked over at me with amused looks. I rested my chin on my hand, leaning on the desk. I looked up when a person stood in front of me. "Hey, Izu. How's your foot?" I smiled and tried to ignore Ochako and Iida fangirling at the nickname. "It's better, thanks to you. Even though I'm probably going to be limping for a few days while it heals." I said, smiling. 

There was a dust of pink over his cheeks. He's so cute when he's flustered, I thought. I tipped my head a little to the side, making some of my green hair fall in face. Denki smiled and reached to push the hair from my face. "DEKU! YOU STUPID NERD!" Denki jumped back, startled by the loud voice. I heard a slight 'aww. no he ruined the moment!' from someone on the other side of the room. I felt heat rise to my cheeks. 

I jumped when Kacchan slammed his fists on my desk. "Was it you, Deku?" He whispered-yelled in my ear so that no one else would hear but me. I glanced at him, confused. "What do you mean, Kacchan?" I asked in a normal tone. I saw anger flash in his eyes. "Katsuki, stop. It's fine." Whispered Eijiro as he grabbed Kacchans arm. 

He looked back at Eijiro, he seemed to calm down a little. "Midobro, can you come here please?" Eijiro asked, dropping his hands to his sides. I nodded, still a little shooketh (I'm sorry, I had to). We went out into the hallway and stood in silence as Eijiro seemed to try and gain courage to say something. "So, uhm, did you take this picture?" He said, and held his phone up so I could see his screen. 


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I gasped a little in surprise. "No, I wouldn't do that!" I said, slightly offended. He sighed. "I know that you wouldn't, but someone posted it on an account named little_broccoli_deku. Bakugou immediately thought it was you. Even though I said that I didn't think it was you." He looked at me with sad eyes. 

"I wasn't ready to have everyone know to know that I'm gay. He was okay with dating in secret, but I can tell it hurts him. But I don't think I'm ready to tell everyone yet." He looked like he was about to cry. I smiled. "Calm down. I don't judge you, I actually kind of thought you guys were together anyways." I said sheepishly. Kirishima looked at me with astonishment, like he didn't believe that anyone would think that being gay was okay. 

I gave him a smile and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. After he pulled away, we walked into the classroom to the sound of Kacchan yelling at the Pikachu. My heart skipped at the sight of Kami. Kirishima looked at me exasperation, but did a double take. He smirked at me then whispered in my ear, "You like Denki, don't you?" Heat rose to my cheeks as I glanced at Denki. He was playfully arguing with Kacchan with a smirk that played on his lips that made my heart flutter. 

I didn't notice that I was staring until I heard a soft chuckle escape Kirishima. More heat rushed to my face as I glared at him, though there was no anger behind it. He smirked at me and shook his head as we both sat down in our seats. I stole a glance at Kaminari just as Mr. Aizawa walked into the room. He glared at the class and started the lesson. 

Though, I couldn't focus on taking notes. My mind and eyes seemed to be drawn to the adorable Pikachu. After many glances in his direction, he looked up from his paper and seemed to notice me looking at him. He smirked and winked at me. My face heated up and I quickly looked away. My heart hammering in my chest. Then, all of a sudden, I jolted forward as the urge to throw up and nausea overcame me. I stood up abruptly and slapped a hand over my mouth as blood poured from it. The blood slipped though my fingers and I fell to my knees as blood poured out of my mouth. Black spots dotted my vision as I lost consciousness. I fell forward as hands wrapped around me. There was yelling and crying. Then complete darkness.


Okay, yes. I know that I can't spell for anything. Almost everything will be explained in the next chapter btw, so if you're confused, just wait. Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed the story so far!😊


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