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These four walls were all that I know, the cold metal on my fingertips, how still the air is, just how quiet it is. Now I'm running through the forest feeling my lungs burning, my feet stepping on small rocks and twigs. Finally feeling free with the air blowing through my hair and my face, my legs give out and I fall creating another bruise on my leg. 

I look over my legs and arms and seeing all of the scars, wounds, and bruises. I have the power of healing but I'm too weak my old pack wouldn't feed me for days and barely give me water since they knew when I'm too weak I can't use them. I try focusing and trying to heal my legs but it's no use. I use a tree and pull myself up, I lightly jog while holding onto other trees feeling the rough bark of the trees instead of the cold steal I've been used to all my life.

This all happened when I was 4 I remember I was playing outside with my sister and she told me to climb a tree. I barely made it half way up the tree when I fell, I cut my leg right on the side. My sister yelled for my parents while trying to stop the bleeding. I see my parents through my teary eyes running to come help. But then I hear this beautiful voice "place your hand on your leg, and think of how your leg was before" I do what the voice tells me and I feel small tingles in my leg. I look down and see how my leg was back to normal. 

I heard my mother scream and my father gasp, my mother falls to her knees "she has been blessed" she whispers while my father steps back "no she is cursed" he yelled. My mother spoke again "no, in the books it's been written that the moongoddes will decided if a baby is capable of having a gift different from the rest since she lost her child all those years ago. When she was born we were told she might have a gift but since her birth was normal it was written off but she is... she is blessed" my mother grabs me and twirls me in her arms making me giggle. 

But instead my father held a different face, a face of anger, terror "no" he growls and ripps me from my mother as she cries out. My father starts walking off as my mother cries, I reach out to hug him but he grips my wrists instead. he took me to the alpha and made me show him what I did, just like my father he looked at me with disgust like I was evil "lock her away no one must know of her, we will say she was taken my rouges. you can visit her if you wish". And with that I was meet with those 4 cold walls. 

My mother and sister visited me, they brought books and explained to me my powers and how the voice was actually the Moongoddes since we have a connection due to my gift. I can heal myself, others, animals, and plants. I am no harm, hell I can't cause any harm my wolf came early when I was 14 instead of 16 and my wolf is small she can't fight all she can do is run and move fast. My mother again explained to me how it's tied back to my gift I heal don't hurt. 

around the time I got my wolf the beatings and the torture started, my father and the alpha wanted to know if I could take pain. They used silver a wolfs worst nightmare but it did nothing to me I was fine and that scared them even more. They used whips and physical force to abuse me which did work but I healed them so they next day I was fine and they hated that. So they stopped giving me food and give me small cups of water a day. Whenever my mother and sister came to visit they brought food for me. They took care of me taught me how to read and write, I found out that my mother left my father when she found out of the beating since he told her that it was the alpha that locked me away. 

I come back to realty and there are tears streaming down by face "my own father" I whisper. I look up trying to distract myself since crying will just make me more weak. I see a river and I feel my body ake for the water. I stumble to the river and I take big hand fulls of water and I feel the cool water slide down my burning throat. I close my eyes and let the tears falls again, I hear leaves move behind me and I go stiff while silenting my cries. 

I stay completely still while thoughts fill my mind did they find me, what will they do to me, I can't take it anymore. I hear a growl and I slowly get up and turn around while I feel my legs tremble from the running and the fright. I used all the strength I have left to stand and face them there are two big wolfs and a man standing between them. 'Who are you" the man yells I open my mouth to answer but I haven't spoke in years expect yelling from the abuse. 

I guess he sees me struggle so he instead just grabs my arm and drags me after him. I feel my legs burn and as if pins are stabbing me all over but I bite my lip making myself focus on the fresh blood in mouth instead of my legs. I still don't know if this man and the wolfs are from my pack or not but at least I was free for that bit. 

"You are going to see the alpha he will decide what he will do with you"  the man gripping me says while we enter a different building I have never seen. I nod prying and hoping he will help me instead of send me back to my old pack. The man takes me to the cell and locks me in chains, ah the 4 cold metal walls I sigh. My legs and arms are burning I see the now fresh blood run down my legs due to my wounds opening. I hear a door being whipped open and I tense an all to familiar sound and loud footsteps. 

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