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I have been stuck by Jack's side for however long, he holds my hand but instead of feeling warm I feel cold, I feel empty. Jack has been trying to pamper me all day, he tried giving me all types of sweets but I refused. Then he tried asking me about what I wanted to eat anything in the world I could have to eat... but I refused. He tried giving me any activity to do, watch Tv, listens to music, and more... and again I refused. I just felt tired, I felt cold, I just felt hollow inside. So have just been following Jack around all day as he does whatever. 

Right now I'm sitting on his left knee as he plays with my hair, he has this stupid smile on his face thinking that I'm warming up to him when in fact I'm anything but warm from now. But he suddenly sits up which causes me to go forward and I hit the desk in front of me making the air get knocked out of me "Oh I'm sorry I'm sorry" he quickly rushes out. 

He seems to be staring at a computer screen and his eyes go wide "how did he find us" he hisses while picking me up and placing me on his chair. I look at the screen and I see Mary, I scan across the room and see a pair of scissors. "I want you to stay put until I come back" Jack orders and I nod my head fast and he rushes out of the room. I reach across the desk and grab the scissors cutting my hair just a bit at the bottom. I stuff the hair into my pocket and wait for Jack to come back. 

The door bursts open scaring me I see Jack panting like crazy. He runs up to me and grabs my arm dragging me leaving one hand free. "I have to keep you safe, I'm going to hide you" I nod while we walk in the hallway and I hear the growls of the wolves. while walking I sprinkle my hair across the floor making a trail. "This is a safe room, you stay here" I nod and he kisses my head running in a different direction. I do the last clump of hair in front of the door and I walk into the room the door closing shut behind me. 


I stand in the middle of all the fighting that is around me, I can smell Angel my Angel I can feel my eyes darken at the moment. I walk through the crowd of wolves fighting going up the stairs once I get to the stairs I see clumps of hair on the floor trailing down the hallway. It's my Angel's dark curly hair I follow the trail and see a big chunk in front of the door. Before I could even look up I was being attacked at my neck. I dig my claws into them and fling them off of me throwing them down the hall. 

Once I can see who it is I already know that it's fucking Jack and I let out a deep loud growl. He attempts to growl back but it's less deep and quiet. He comes running at me again, I roll my eyes annoyed by him. Before he could even touch me I have my claws dug deep into his neck  I slam him to the ground and I dig my teeth into his neck. I take my teeth out and I snap his neck seeing the life from his eyes slowly fade. I switch back into my human form so I don't scare Angel I open the door of the room and see Angel hunched over in a corner. 

I look over her shoulder and I see her wolf laying in her lap with this bright light around her as she pets her wolf's fur. Both of their eyes closed just comforting each other, I crouch down to her level and place my hand on her shoulder feeling how cold she is. "Tyler?" she whispers out so softly, so broken "I'm here" she turns around and I can just how empty she is. I pick her up and hug her letting her melt in my arms and try and warm up. Her wolf circles around me and curls up around me. 

After a while, I don't hear as much going on outside I look down and see she is sleeping but her wolf Rose is watching me. "Can you understand me?" I question "Yes, you see I am a wolf with all abilities you have but without human form and Angel is human with abilities that the goddess graced her which overpowers me when we meshed together." the voice of Rose speaks through the mind link we share. "Ah I see well let's get you warmed up you can stay in this form for as long as you like"  she nods and starts to walks beside me as we leave.

During the car ride, Rose goes back into Angel while she sleeps and I hold her tight in my arms not wanting to let her go. 

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