Bruces Daughter: Dyslexia

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Trigger warning:
large age gap, romantic Tony + Reader, Dyslexic Reader, Angst, Fluff, the Reader is Bruce's daughter.

[Third POV]

Growing up as Bruce Banners adopted daughter was exhausting, (Y/N) always expected to be brave and smart and heroic.

The thing that bugged her most out of those expectations was smart. All her life she had hardly been able to read or write, the letters looked like they were moving constantly and it was always flipping, it made her head hurt, but she had never asked for help, she thought it would disappoint her dad or that everyone would think she was stupid.

But now at age 18 this had backfired.

With her father being an avenger she had spent all of elementary school doing online schooling and same for most of high school, important distinction: most.

See online school was something she'd managed to bullshit her way through, using speech to text and programs like grammarly or apps that would read her assignments too her, everything was simple.

Until this year, her senior year of high school, her father had declared that she needed too spend time with people her own age and she needed to socialize, she was 18 now after all, so she agreed.

And for most of the year her shameful little problem had been concealed, almost everything was digital.

Expect for her English papers.

(Y/N) had managed to keep pushing back her English papers to the end of the year, but now she only had a week to do them and they were all on paper, without this mark she would fail the 12th grade for sure, Bruce would be so disappointed.

So in her desperation she turned to the only person she felt like talking too, him.

Tony was shocked when she explained everything, she was practically having a breakdown, she explained how the letters seemed ever changing and how she Couldn't help how half her letters seemed backwards or worse illegible, and even worse she explained the way hiding this made her feel: worthless.

"What's wrong with me?" The smaller girl mumbled brokenly which left tony frowning "nothing is wrong with you (Y/N) have you ever heard of Dyslexia?"

(Y/N) scrunched up her nose and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion "no. What's that?" She said in nothing but confusion to which the chocolate eyed billionaire replied "there's nothing wrong with you sweetheart you just have Dyslexia. It's when reading and writing confuse you because letters and numbers look backwards or like they're moving around." Tony explained as (Y/N) felt a weight lifting off her chest, there was a word for it?

"Here how about this I know you don't want to tell Bruce so instead... I'll help you learn to write properly."

Tony's offer made her look up "Promise?" She asked hopefully to which Tony smiled "Promise."


The next few months even into summer break and then the next fall had been tough, but they worked through it, Tony being a billionaire managed to get (Y/N) all the resources she needed but eventually her writing was almost perfect.

Bruce had found out about the situation over the summer but nevertheless (Y/N) had graduated.

Of course she stilled struggled with letters sometimes but it was far better, over the course of her lessons with Tony she had secretly developed feelings for Tony, although really it wasn't a big secret, All the avengers had noticed especially Bruce, Nat, and Tony.

So one day (Y/N) came into the lab, her was twirling her (H/C) hair in her fingers and blush was prominent on her (S/C) Skin, "dad can you leave me and Tony alone for a minute?"

Bruce left, he had tried to remain calm about (Y/N)s crush on Tony and hope everything would fall into place, he trusted them.

After Bruce had left (Y/N) handed Tony a folded page and a pen before dashing out of the lab.

Tony looked In confusion before opening the note, her writing was still messy but they had got it to a decent point with there lessons, so he started to read (Y/N)'s note.

Dear Tony,

During our writing lessons I've really appreciated spending time with you I know your a billionaire and an avenger so you spending your time on me was really sweet.

During our lessons i think I started to have feelings for you, I know my dad would probably be mad and that you'll say I'm too young for you but I'm 18 and can do what I want so I've written you this.

If you feel the same put an X beside the Yes and if not but an X by the no, if you say no we never have to speak of this again, but if yes you have to take me out for ice cream.



P.S, look how good my writing is thanks to you!
——— ———

Tonys lips turned up into a grin, as he put an X beside yes and then an arrow pointing to the back of the page where he wrote neatly

"Where are we getting ice cream?"

After helping (Y/N) with her writing he realized she was really fun and started to like her as well, he didn't know what the future would hold but he was hoping for two things.

1. More writing lessons with the beautiful girl with (E/C) eyes.


2. Some ice cream with two scoops.

And later that day the two did get ice cream, and they lived happily ever after doing writing lessons at Ben and Jerry's twice a week on ice cream dates, and nothing would ever change that, it was Tony and (Y/N) from that day fourth and nothing could change that.

And that's the end of this imagine.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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