chapter 1

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Ben walked passed the conference room door and he paused in his track. He looked through the window trying not to be nosey but he heard a woman and he was guessing her husband arguing. She was short but had a powerful voice.

He hated that they were arguing though. Nobody should know their personal business and her husband was inconsiderate to even come to her job and do this. From the looks of it she was a surgeon and that is a time consuming stressful job alone.

"I didn't say you were taking our family for granted." She yelled.

"I love my family." The man yelled.

"I love my family too." The woman bellowed.

Ben put his chart down and began to write not wanting to leave this spot. He occasionally looked at the window. He saw the stroller in the room but he didn't see the baby in there with them.

"I'm going home to be with my son like I always am." Ben listened as the man sneered.

"No he's staying with me here while I do my paper work. I'll watch my own son." The woman snapped.

Ben watched as he walked out of the conference room storming off. Ben was in disbelief slightly of what he heard. He honestly felt bad for the woman.

A couple minutes passed and Ben watched a short male holding a young baby on his side walk into the conference room. "hey baby boy." The woman exclaimed taking her son.

Ben watched for a while and he saw her small yawns. He decided to go get her some coffee.

"Hello." Ben said shyly walking through the door.

"Hello." Miranda replied confused.

"I hope you don't mind but I bought you some coffee." Ben said and he watched as her brows knitted in confusion.

"Why." She asked her lips pursing together.

"Because I heard you and your... husband arguing and-

" Stop right there and Would you care to explain why you were in my business." She hissed.

"I honestly wasn't trying to be in your business I-

"Look couples argue, so what. I know we weren't supposed to be loud and I was extremely un professional but this what you are doing is unprofessional and strange."

"Look uh." Ben looked around but she no longer had on her work clothes for him to get her name. "Dr. Miranda Bailey." She helped him out.

"I wasn't trying to over step, be rude, or nosey. I simply kinda sorta over heard your argument and I wanted to bring you a cup of coffee because I know it was a long day, that was all." Ben said sheepishly handing it out for her to take.

Miranda stared for a minute, blushing at the honesty and intensity of his eyes. She took it from him mumbling "thanks."

"Your welcome. My name is Benjamin Warren anesthesiology by the way."

"Huh." Miranda replied looking up at him from her paper work.

"I was telling you my name." Ben smiled and Miranda found her self blushing again.

"I never asked you for it." Miranda snapped.

"Yeah I know but just in case you were wondering." Ben remarked.

"Okay well goodnight." Miranda said looking back down at her papers. Dam she is a tough cookie Ben thought. Ben got out of his squatting stance and he stood up completely getting ready to walk out of the door.

"Benjamin Warren." Miranda said out loud causing him to turn.

"Hmm." Ben asked.

"I was just letting you know I heard your name. Thanks for the coffee Dr. Warren." Miranda mused as he nodded his head putting his free hand into his pocket walking out of the room completely.

Miranda was walking in the hallway a couple of days later with her charts in her hands ready to go to check on her post ops. When she heard her name being called.

"Dr Bailey." Ben said and Miranda turned back to look at him before she rolled her eyes and kept walking.

Ben continued jogging until he caught up to her. "Good morning. I brought you coffee." He said once again and Miranda's eyes widen.

"Do you know that I'm Doctor Bailey." Miranda asked. Why wasn't this man intimidated by her. Most stayed away.

"Yeah you told me the other day but what does that have to do with coffee." Ben asked confused.

"Your new here?" She pondered. It was the only thing that made sense.

"I'm a transfer from Mercy West. I've been here for two weeks and I am in need of a friend." Ben said pushing the coffee in her hand.

"I don't do well with friends Doctor Warren." Miranda huffed as she kept walking.

"I don't see why not." Ben mused.

"Ugh man don't you have work to do. Soon enough you will find out why I'm called the Nazi. Ask anyone around here. You are bothering me man and I don't like to be bothered. I'm strict, no nonsense, professional and don't like to keep repeating my self." Miranda barked.

Ben just looked at the short woman who stopped walking and turned towards him. She had her pointer finger poking it into his chest as she lectured him.

"Will you just take the coffee? The Nazi although. I don't care how mean and strict and yah dah yah dah you say. You shouldn't have anyone refer to you with that abomination of a name. You are too prestige, strong and beautiful of a woman. Just because you are precise and coat throat, which is what most women have to be in your profession to get taken seriously. Doesn't mean you get the nickname of the most hated people since 1920 this is 2006 and they are trying to be nice and just not call you a bitch in my opinion. Their unspoken words not mine" Ben said.

Miranda just stared at him before snatching the coffee.

"Is this going to be an everyday thing?" Miranda inquired and Ben shrugged.

"Two sugars and two creams. Good day doctor Warren. Miranda told him sipping her drink and walking away.

She thought about him her whole walk to her patient. He was not phased by her hard personality at all. He was a real nuisance but oddly enough her cheeks were still hot, blushing from his one words of beautiful in that long speech he gave her.

Miranda was in the cafeteria and she grabbed her a salad and a thing of lemonade. She sat down at the table waiting for her friend Callie and her attendings friends.

Miranda looked up as she saw Benjamin walk into the room. He had a bright smile on his face as he walked through. He was a nice looking man just so very annoying. She watched his interaction with the ladies behind the glass as they smiled and blushed at him and all he seemed to be doing was ordering his food.

When he was done Miranda instantly snapped her head down not wanting him to notice her and come sit over by her. As she grabbed her fork with her eyes glued to her salad. She heard foot steps and she was scared to look up.

"Dr. Bailey." She heard his voice and she groaned internally.

"Dr. Warren." Miranda said looking up.

"Can I sit with you? " he asked sitting his tray down.

"Looks like you were going to do that anyway." Miranda said looking at him.

"You know you are very pushy" Miranda enlighten him.

"You know you are stubborn?" Ben retorted back.

Miranda scuffed and looked up at him as he raised his brow.

"Just sit down Benjamin." Miranda commanded.

"Yes sir nazi." Ben laughed. "Oh I ms Ma'am."

"Ass and don't call me the nazi." Miranda said seriously.

"Well what do you want me to call you?" Ben wondered.

" Dr. Bailey... And my friends call me Bailey." Miranda told him softly looking up at him with a twinkle in her eye.

" Your friends?" Ben gleamed. "So are you saying that we are..

"I'll give you a 14 day trail." Miranda said being a smart ass.

"Yeah great because that will give me time to cancel my subscription. If you are not who I think you are."

"And who do you think I am?" Miranda asked.

"I think you will be good for me Bailey." Ben said smiling.

"Hmmm time will tell."

"Can I call you something else. Bailey don't roll off my tongue good. Can I just call you Miranda.... Yeah I love the way that rolls off."

"Miranda." He said again testing it out.

"Yeah, s-sure." Miranda stumbled.

"Hey Bailey." Callie said as she walked to the table. Followed by Mark and Derek.

"Who is this?" Callie asked Miranda.

"This is Dr. Benjamin Warren Anesthesiology." Miranda said gesturing to him.

"Ben these are my co workers and friends. Callie Torres- Ortho, Derek Shepherd- Neuro and Mark Sloan- Plastics." Miranda introduced everyone.

Miranda watched as everyone talked to Ben. He actually was a funny man and everyone else seemed to love him.

"It was really nice meeting you all." Ben said finishing his sandwich as he got up.

"Nice meeting you too Warren." He smiled as he walked away, throwing his trash away before walking out. Miranda silently watched him walk away.

"Torres." Mark said in a teasing manner.

"What Mark." Callie asked.

"Well you said you are trying to get back on the saddle after O'Malley. Maybe you should use him."

"Use him." Callie asked and Miranda looked up wondering what the hell he meant too.

"For sex. To have a good time let your hair loose." Mark explained.

"Hmmm use him." Callie said and she look like she was in deep thought.

"No." Miranda said loudly by accident.

"What Bailey." Derek asked.

"Don't use him. He seemed to be a real nice guy. He doesn't deserve to be use." Miranda said blushing.

"Bailey you care about the guy." Mark said surprised.

"I do not care for him. I barely know the man. I met him last night but he is annoying-ly nice and he is now my friend."

"And as a friend I don't want anyone to use anyone the same as I would want for you all."

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