Chapter 3

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Kenma POV

I woke up because stupid Kurro came in my room at 4 am, which he can tell pissed me off. I am not a morning person at all and the fact that still had 2 Hours until we were supposed to leave made me even more mad.
"~Kennnnmaaa~ you can stay mad at me forever I'm sorry" he said "It is literally 4am Kurro when I finally get some sleep you wake me up 2 hours later" I said with venom in my voice. "Ok well how about this we get there early and you go to sleep on the bus or play your game, if you do that i will buy you apple pie on the way there deal" "2 apple pie slices and we have a deal" I said "Fine lets get ready to go"

Time Skip
At Nekoma

"Well I guess we just wait you can go ahead on the bus I'm gonna tell coach were here early" he said "Ok I'm gonna play my game" I walk on the bus and chose a spot at the very back and play my game as people start to arrive...............................Once everyone is here we start heading to Shinzen high which is only about 30 minutes away.

Hinata POV

I wake up to my alarm being turned off by Natsu. "Come on Onii-Chan lets go I'm already ready just brush your teeth there we have to hurry and leave" she said scared "Why" i asked confused because it not like her to be this scared unless. "I heard father in his room drinking he's about to come out soon" "Ok leave out the window I'm gonna grab our stuff real quick ok" I said "Ok" she hoped out the window and went to go and get my bike for me. I made sure I have everything I need especially my razor and mini first aid kit just in case my wounds decide to open up when I make a receive or spike. I throw our bags out the window and climb out, just in time too because as soon as I closed the window I heard my father come out of his room. "Lets go Natsu hurry" we both got on my bike as fast as we could and went to the school, we got lucky because only coach, Daichi, and Suga were there. "Hey guys" Suga said "Hey Sugamama" Natsu replied "Good morning. I'm gonna head to the bathroom real quick can you watch Natsu for me please Suga" I asked with a smile. "Sure" He replied.
I went to the bathroom with my bag to brush my teeth and my face but I felt like I was forgetting something. I walk to Suga and thank him then me and Natsu go on the bus and sleep while waiting for everyone else.

When I wake up I see that we are at a gas station and that Natsu is gone. I run off the but into the store to see Natsu holding Kiyoko's hand. "Onii-Chan are you ok" she said. "Yes I just got worried when I didn't see you next to me on the but I'm ok now" I said calming down a bit. "Ok sorry Oni-Chan" she said. " It's ok, go ahead on the bus with Kiyoko I'm gonna use the bathroom". "Ok" she said. "Oh and Kiyoko thank you for watching my sister for me" I said. "No problem Hinata". I walk into the bathroom with my mini first aid kit in my hoodie pocket. "I guess I should change my bandages before we leave" I mumbled to my self.  As I was about to pull off my hoodie I stopped when someone asked "Why do you have bandages". "Oh um hey Sugamama  I helped a  cat yesterday and it scratched me up a bit" I laughed nervously. 'I can't believe I was careless I should have checked to make sure the bathroom was empty' I thought. "Oh ok let me help you then" he said as he started walking closer to me. When I started walking backwards I hit a wall and politely said "That's ok I can do it myself, you should head to the bus with everyone else". "Oh well if your sure?" "Yes I'm sure it will be fine and thank you for the offer" I said with my biggest/ fakest smile. When Suga left the restroom I checked to make sur the rest of the stalls didn't have anyone there, once I figure the cost was clear I begin to change my bandages.

Suga POV

When I was about ready to leave the restroom I heard someone come in, I shrugged it off and was going to open the door until I heard Hinata say 'I guess I should change my bandages before we leave' I stayed silent until I saw him pulling his hoodie and I saw a little bit of cuts, bruises, and bandages. I gasped so when I thought I he heard me I asked him 'why do you have bandages' he tensed up and laughed nervously. He told me that he had gotten scratches from a  cat but that was very hard to believe. So I left it at that and he gave me a big toothy smile, I was gonna believe that smile until I realized it dose not reach his eyes. 'It's fake' I thought.

3rd Person POV

As They pulled up to Shinzen high the Nekoma team was there to greet them. Shoyo got off the bus with Natsu and stayed in the back of the group where no one could see them. He wanted to go run up and give Kenma a big hug but he couldn't because he didn't want to risk his cuts opening and he was way too tired So was Natsu so I was holding her hand while she leaned on me.  While everyone was greeting each other Kenma was looking for Shoyo. Of course Kuroo caught on to this. "Hey Daichi where is Chibi-chan" he looked around for a moment when he didn't see him he called out his name "HINATA!!!!" when he yelled they heard a small "I'm right here" 

Kenma POV

When Karasuno arrived i was playing on my Psp waiting for Shoyo to run up and scream my name but he never did. I was looking for him wondering where he was and luckily Kuroo caught on because he asked Daichi where he was. When he couldn't find him either he yelled his name and in reply we got a small "I'm right here". As he walked up too me he said hello to me and Kuroo but he didn't seem that energetic "Hey Shoyo are you ok" I asked. I noticed when I asked he tensed up and so did Natsu. 'What's wrong with them why did they tense up all of a sudden'. "Of course we are just tired" he said with a smile on his face but immediately new that smile was fake. On the outside he seemed happy but if you look into his eyes he is begging for help, he is scared. I'm gonna figure out what's wrong with them. 

1232 words

Sorry for making you guys wait for the next part, just know that I'm back and I would also like everyone to give me sum suggestions on what you would like to see in this story.

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