I choose.....

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V:so sis?

Me: *in head* I'm so sorry derek.


I run over to Kobe and kiss him. He takes off the blind fold and kisses me back with passion. Derek took of his  and seen us kissing. I wrapped my legs around Kobe's waist. Me and Kobe head upstairs.


Ko: Y/n one day i am going to make you my wife on day
Me: oh yea
*i look up at him*
Ko: yup and we will have our family with our own house
Me: hm
Ko: what?
*ho looks down at me*
Me: nothing. You just look cute making plans for the future
Ko: oh yea?
*i giggle*


Kobe leans and kisses me. It turns out into a makeout session. Kiya comes in the room.


Ki:miss girl
Ki:any ways we should spend a day out.
Ko:like all of us together ?
Ko:nah i dont think so
Me: why not?
Ko:because she be to annoying
Ki:and so do you. So you cant be one to talk. But back to what i was saying, we should spend a day together because we all siblings.
Ko:and vallyk?
Ki: yup
Me: with Dixie?
Ki: they dating?
Ki: then yea her too
Ki: i take that as a yes. Oh and wear something comfortable
Ko: where we going?
Ki: to the mall... to shop for each other
Ki:this is tmrw
Ko:we know now bye!
Ki:ok damn


Kiya leaves the room.


Ko:bae what movie you want to watch?
*he looks down at me*
Ko:* in his head* awe she sleeping 🥺 Im not going to break her heart.  I just cant. She gave me a second chance. How the hell did i get so lucky with her.
Ko:good night baby
*he kisses your forhead*
Ko: damn its late ash


Kobe turns off the tv and heads to sleep



sorry this one is short!

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