Chapter Eight

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"Look it's that bitch that kissed Ryder at Josh's party"

"What a slut"

"Who the hell does she think she is"

I can hear them whispering about me as I make my way down the hall that's crowded with teenagers.

Keep calm. I remind myself. This afternoon they will be talking about something else for sure. I grin.

Zara had told me at the end of the call the other night, that even though Ryder may seem big and tough he actually is quite an emotional guy and.. Let's just say... If his reputation and popularity was to get damaged he would get really pissed.

I want him pissed.

I am going to get my Sweet Revenge.....


I finally reach my first class of the day which fortunately is English. If I had to have started with maths today I would have literally died.

I make my way over to my seat and look around the classroom. Where was Alice? She is always late. She was the girl I had got paired with to do my English assignment.

I have a long day ahead of me. I lay my shoulders down on the desk. It's cold. My head gently sinks into my shoulders and I rest. A few seconds later I hear the familiar pants.... I tilt my head as Alice comes running into the room, her dirty blonde her in a messy bun and her books all jumbled up in her hands.

She comes over and slumps down into the chair next to mine. Her books thumping down on the desk. I lift my head up and face her.

"Sorry" she pants. "I lost my keys and couldn't find them"

"That's ok" I chuckle. If their is one thing I have learnt about Alice, it's that she is always losing things.

"Where were they this time?" I ask.

"Actually, they were on me the whole time, I just didn't realise" she sheepishly grins.

I sigh and roll my eyes. "Come on, let's get to work"


I couldn't concentrate for the rest if the day. So much that I nearly got two detentions.

Now it is time. Time to get my revenge.

Everyone has just been dismissed from their last classes of the day and I am making my way towards the spot where Zara told me Ryder always is after school.

I finally reach the corner and peep my head around it. Sure enough there Ryder is surrounded by a lot of people.I smile mischievously. I know that I must be sounding pretty mean right now but remember it was Ryder who came up and kissed me not the other way around. That and the fact that I have actually wanted to get revenge on Ryder for the last two years and I am now finally getting my chance... But that's just a minor detail....

I can barely contain all my excitement as I wait for Julia. One of my best friends who does art and is bringing the weapon as I like to call it.

Really she is bringing paint, red paint that will be all over Ryder's head in a moment. I grin again. I am so creepy...
I wonder why I a-

"Emma I'm here" my trail of thought is cut short and I turn around to a grinning Julia. Her blonde hair is in a ponytail and she is holding a big bucket of red paint. I grin again. "Thanks again" I say. "No problem" she replies her blue eyes twinkling with amusement "You know how much I've wanted to get revenge on Ryder as well" she chuckles softly. "I've got the camera" she says grinning again. "Good, start filming now and let's do this" I say quickly.

Julia hits the record button on the camera as she passes me the paint. It's really heavy and I nearly drop it. I slowly make my way around the corner.

I am all of sudden getting really nervous. I have never done anything like this before. This will probably go on some sort of permanent record thing..... My parents... Oh god.

No, I calm myself down again and remember why I am doing this. I can and will do this.

I start running. I'm not even exactly sure when I start myself, but I do. I am getting closer and closer to Ryder and his small group of friends/admires. He looks up at me his eyes widening and showing a sign of...recognition?

However I do not have anymore time to dwell on this as before I know it, I swing my arm out over his head and then dump the entire contents onto his face.

He gasps loudly paint filling some of his mouth. I just stand there the empty bucket hanging limply at my side. The people around me a staring at me like I'm some sort of lunatic. I would agree with them.

I turn my attention back to Ryder. He looks so funny just standing there half covered in red paint the most classic expression on his face. I stifle a laugh.

Ryder looks to the left and sees Julia with the camera just as she ends the recording.

His face turn back to me. This time though he is glaring and god almighty is he scary.

"Run before I kill you" he warns. I'm scared so I run.


I am not a very fit person and at this moment I am wishing I was.

I am running. Really fast. I can hear Ryder thumping behind me. I'm not even sure where I am anymore. I think I am somewhere near the gym which means the toilets! If I can get it the toilets I will be safe.

Surely even Ryder has enough respect to not enter a ladies toilet, even if he is half covered in red paint and the culprit is inside... Right...?!

I run a little more when I see the sign for the ladies toilets. Ryder still hasn't given up. In fact judging by the sound it seems like he is getting closer. I am starting to run out of breath. I dash towards the door and heave it open just as Ryder comes skidding around the corner. His face is not pretty.

I quickly slam the door shut and stay there for awhile. Slowly I start to step back into the centre of the toilets.


The door swings open and I scream. Ryder is standing there glaring at me.

"Wha-" I start to say but am cut off my Ryder's deep voice.

"I gave you a chance to run, Kitten" he says as he steps closer into the toilets.

My breath hitches. He is getting awfully close.

He takes one more step forward. He starts falling.

Before I can register what it happening he is on top of me. Pain shoots through me as we hit the floor and then.....

His lips smash against mine.....


Hi guys! I AM SOOO SORRY that I haven't updated in forever! I started school only a couple of weeks ago and I was just getting back into the swing of things!

Also THANK YOU SO MUCH for over 600 reads on this book and over 50 followers! That is amazing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

This chapter was a pretty long chapter... I wanted to get a lot in this chapter!

Ryder and Emma finally kiss again!!!!!! ❤️😊😘

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and as always please vote and comment on this book! It really makes my day when I know that people are reading and enjoying my book!

Until next Update!

~ Kitty1415

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