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Is it an unbearable thing. The process of pain is quite horrible.

Stage one, the one where u feel like the world is ending and that you'll never find happiness again

Stage two,the grieving stage, this one is painful, cause you'll look back on those moments and ask yourself what could I have done right and to make this all better.

Stage three, the forgiveness, the hardest stage,why cause sometimes forgiving some takes more time cause you can't forgive yourself.

Growing up the Steele brothers knew what pain was. It came with there job. Their dad taught them that pain was gonna be around for however long you'll live. People have died for them and because of them so yeah just because they were in the mafia doesn't mean they don't feel. Especially when one of there members died.

But their dad never told them that losing someone  because of what you did or how you made them feel,that it would be the most horrible pain that you could feel.

That's what they felt.they all knew they had taken responsibility it what had happened.but Luke took it the worse.

When u lose some they say you'll change but I'll get better. But it's been three years and it hasn't. Cause when u lose some one all the stupid things in life and  the memories won't make it better ,they don't even matter. You can't fix it by drowning yourself in a bottle of whiskey and Luke has tried it.

He had changed in a way his brothers which he hadn't. They need him and he couldn't be there. He wasn't home,he was drowning himself in work and bottles of whiskey. They could hear him unlock her door sometimes and go in there and just cry for hours.

He was angry.he was angry at her for doing this because she left them with all of the broken pieces on the only question they could ask was why. He couldn't forgive her,but maybe he can't forgive her yet cause he can't forgive himself

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