Part 4: Alaksha

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Part 4


"This is unprecedented." The exorcist dabbed his forehead with a cloth.

"So you've told me." Clay opened the gate to Mina's yard. "I appreciate you coming on short notice, Father Robert."

Father Robert accessed the yard as they walked down the path. "You must love this girl very much to beg on your knees. It moved me. How could I turn away someone begging for help?"

Clay smiled. "The doll is in here." He jumped onto the front porch and froze. The door was opened ajar. Clay stopped Father Robert. He nudged the door open and peeked inside. A cold wind blew. Clay shivered.

Father Robert put a hand on Clay's shoulder and pulled him back. "It appears your judgment was correct, child." He pulled out his cross and kissed it. "Evil pours from this house."

"Yeah..." Clay followed the exorcist inside. The floor creaked underneath his feet. He walked past Father Robert. "Let me see if her dad is okay. Then we'll go up to her room and get rid of the doll."

Father Robert's eyebrow rose slightly, but nodded in agreement.

Clay led the exorcist into the lounge. Empty. Not even the fireplace had the usual roaring fire. Clay shivered again. He never knew the house to be so cold.

"There's no one here," Father Robert said.

"Perhaps for the best. I'll take you to the doll." Clay noticed a black candle and black leather book on the floor. He picked them up. "What are these doing here?" He tucked the book under his arm and pulled out his lighter. He flicked the lighter and brought it to the wick until a small ember danced atop.

"May not be much, but a little light is always good," Father Robert said. He dabbed his forehead.

Clay slowly climbed the stairs. The higher he went, the colder it became and a stronger draft blew. Clay held a protective hand in front of the ember.

The two walked down the hall until they reached Mina's room. Clay grabbed the doorknob and took a deep breath. The exorcist placed his hand on his shoulder again. "Whenever you are ready, child."

Clay nodded. He cracked open the door.

"Whoever you are, get out of here! Run!"

"Mina?!" Clay threw the door open. Mina and Bev sat at the base of her bed, their hands and ankles bound together. "What's going on here?!"

Mina's eyes grew wide, "Clay?! No! Run!"

Clay set the candle on the dresser by the door. He had barely heard the squeak behind him. Clay turned just in time to see Mr. Vivano with a bat. He let himself fall to the side as Mr. Vivano plunged the bat down.

Father Robert stumbled back in surprise. "Dear lord!"

Mr. Vivano turned toward the exorcist. He was expressionless as he dragged the bat across the floor. He raised the bat and swung.

Father Robert yelped and jumped out of the way. The bat shattered Mina's lamp. He scurried to his feet and held up his cross. "Stand down! Do not let the dark consume you, child! Believe in the good will of God! Let the power of Christ fill you with his love!"

Mr. Vivano raised the bat again.

Clay tackled him to the ground. The two wrestled around the floor. Mr. Vivano overpowered Clay and pinned him to the ground.


Mr. Vivano raised the bat. Clay bucked around enough to slide under and knee his back. Clay tossed him aside and grabbed his wrist. He slammed the wrist on the ground until Mr. Vivano released the bat.

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