Chapters 11-12

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Chapter 11:

A New Beginning

December 16th

I awoke this morning to a loud clang of a pot hitting the kitchen floor. I took my time and used the private shower in my room before I went out to meet my new roommates. I wanted to make a good first impression and, considering I hadn't taken a shower over the past couple days, I thought washing off my ripeness would be a good start.

The shower was rejuvenating and some clean clothes made me feel almost human, again, but, just as I reached for the door to enter the main living area, a wave of nervousness came over me. These people, my new friends I was about to meet, were highly intelligent, world traveled, and quite capable of talking light-years over my head. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Good morning," Hilde sang from the kitchen.

Sean put down a book and stood up to greet me. "Welcome to Oaxaca," his Scottish accent was subtle, but recognizable.

"Good morning and thanks," I said and shook Sean's hand. "Would you like some help, Hilde?"

"Oh, he's sweet," she thought aloud. "No, you just have a seat, let me pour you some coffee, and you tell us all about your adventures. By the way," she continued as she placed a cup of dark coffee in front of me, "when do we get to meet Marcus? I've only heard so little about him, but what I have heard is very intriguing. I heard that he took quite a liking to Twa. She is such an amazing woman and, from what I've heard of him, they would make such a cute couple."

Sean began to chuckle. "Don't worry. She'll let you talk soon."

"You be quiet!" she pointed a spatula at him.

"Portuguese women love to talk," he continued, "but their mouths are like flood gates: once they open, just let them run their course and everything will be fine." She placed the spatula and her hands at her hips and glared at him. "Don't look at me in that tone of voice," he laughed. "Unclench, Les. She's the love of my life and she knows it. I wouldn't change a thing about this one."

"Speaking of love and romance," Hilde began, "is there a special someone in your life? If no, then I can think of some things to do tonight. The local clubs are so much fun and I have plenty of beautiful friends who I'm sure would love to meet a handsome, young anthropologist."

An uncomfortable silence filled the room as they both turned and looked at me. "It's your turn to speak," Sean joked.

"N-nobody 'special,'" I answered, "and I'm an art major. I wouldn't want to insult the actual anthropologists by calling myself one after a couple classes." I took a sip of the coffee. It was so strong I felt like the single sip would suffice. "I don't know what Dr. Bond has for me today, so I'll need to play tonight by ear."

"Is that the best excuse you have?" Hilde gave me the glare. "You are coming out with us tonight and that's final. You are going to have drinks with us and meet more people."

Sean whispered to me, "It's best not to argue with her on this one, lest you hear about it 'til the end of your days," he turned around to get a quick glance at her before turning back to me, "so I'll do it." He turned back around and spoke up. "Our new friend here is an artist," he began, "perhaps he's not as much of a socialite." She didn't even give him a response. "Sorry there," he shrugged his shoulders. "I guess you're coming out tonight."

"And you," Hilde turned to Sean, "are bringing me flowers at lunch for all your back talk."

"Yes, dear," he smiled.

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